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Rudy edited this page Feb 21, 2024 · 1 revision



Example usage

# PopupMenu
# Custom button
    "compound": "left",
    "anchor": "w",
    "fg_color": "transparent",
    "text_color": ("black", "white"),
    "corner_radius": 5,
    "hover_color": ("gray90", "gray25")
popup_menu = PopupMenu(master=app, width=250, height=270, title="Title", corner_radius=8, border_width=0)
app.bind("<Button-3>", lambda event: do_popup(event, popup_menu), add="+") # bind app for right click: This will show the popup menu when the user right clicks on the app.

# Add buttons to the popup menu
btn1 = ctk.CTkButton(popup_menu.frame, text="Option 1", command=lambda: print("Hello"), **BTN_OPTION)
btn1.pack(expand=True, fill="x", padx=10, pady=0)

btn2 = ctk.CTkButton(popup_menu.frame, text="Option 2", command=lambda: print("Hello"), **BTN_OPTION)
btn2.pack(expand=True, fill="x", padx=10, pady=(1, 0))

btn3 = ctk.CTkButton(popup_menu.frame, text="Option 3", command=lambda: print("Hello"), **BTN_OPTION)
btn3.pack(expand=True, fill="x", padx=10, pady=(1, 0))

btn4 = ctk.CTkButton(popup_menu.frame, text="Option 4", command=lambda: print("Hello"), **BTN_OPTION)
btn4.pack(expand=True, fill="x", padx=10, pady=(1, 0))

btn5 = ctk.CTkButton(popup_menu.frame, text="Option 5", command=lambda: print("Hello"), **BTN_OPTION)
btn5.pack(expand=True, fill="x", padx=10, pady=(1, 10))


Parameter Description
master Set parent window, the widget will spawn at where the the mouse is clicked of the parent window
width Popup width (250: default)
height Popup height (270: default)
title Popup title (Title: default)
corner_radius Popup frame corner_radius (8: default)
border_width Popup frame border (0: default)
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