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A library to gather imports and exports of ELF shared libraries


How to use it?

Relevant information from the ELF files, such as unresolved functions from other libraries (let's call them imports) and global functions which can be called from other modules (exports), is stored in Library objects.

You may create a Library object for the executable or shared object you want to analyze by calling its constructor with an absolute path to the file in question, e.g. elf = Library('/usr/lib/'). This will parse the ELF header and create an underlying ELFFile object provided by pyelftools but does not automatically resolve imports and exports.

Analyzing your currently running system

The script at scripts/ offers a good example on how to use librarytrader for analyzing a running system. It also has command line flags for all the different aspects described below.

usage: [-h] [-v] [-l LOAD] [-s STORE] [-r] [-i] [-t] [-a]
                           [-e ENTRY_LIST] [-u USED_FUNCTIONS] [--single]
                           [--uprobe-strings] [--loaderlike] [--write-csvs]
                           [--leave-undef-unused] [paths ...]

Evaluate imports and exports of .so libraries and ELF executables.

positional arguments:
  paths                 the paths to process

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         verbose output
  -l LOAD, --load LOAD  JSON file to load previously exported mapping
  -s STORE, --store STORE
                        Store calculated mapping to JSON file
  -r, --resolve-functions
                        Resolve imported functions to their origin
  -i, --interface_calls
                        Calculate calls between interface functions
  -t, --transitive-users
                        Propagate users over interface calls (implies -r)
  -a, --all-entries     Use all libraries as entry points for function
                        resolution. Default: only executables
  -e ENTRY_LIST, --entry-list ENTRY_LIST
                        Use paths inside the given file as entry points
                        regardless of their executable status
  -u USED_FUNCTIONS, --used-functions USED_FUNCTIONS
                        A file with path:name tuples which are referenced
                        symbols from dlsym
  --single              Do not recursively resolve libraries
  --uprobe-strings      Generate uprobe strings into a file
  --loaderlike          Resolve functions only from executables while respecting
                        weak symbols
  --write-csvs          write .csv files with statistics
  --leave-undef-unused  Keep targets for SHN_UNDEF functions unused during
                        function resolution. This allows us to later remove
                        unused SHN_UNDEF entries and their counterparts.

The resolution of imports on a live system is encapsulated in the LibraryStore class. This class can be used as a dictionary to look up the Library objects which have already been evaluated (by their absolute path). This mechanism also serves as a cache during the recursive descent in order to avoid multiple evaluation passes over frequently included libraries (such als

As the resolution of a live system needs additional information from ldconfig about the locations of libraries in your system, LibraryStore uses an instance of LDResolve which parses the output of ldconfig -p and can be queried for the possible paths for a given library name.

Resolving library dependencies

To resolve the dependencies to their full path without recursing into them, call resolve_libs_single(elf). After that, elf.needed_libs has been populated with the absolute paths to all required libraries but these have not been analyzed for imported or exported functions. Alternatively, you can call resolve_libs_single_by_path(path) with an absolute path, and access the Library object later from the LibraryStore by using its path as a key.

To resolve the full dependency tree starting from elf you can call resolve_libs_recursive(elf). This will traverse the dependencies in a depth-first order, create and populate Library objects for every library encountered and store their imported and exported function names as keys in the imports and exports member dictionaries, respectively. Again, there is a resolve_libs_recursive_by_path(path) if you do not want to create and pass a Library object yourself but rather access that information from the LibraryStore later.

Storing/loading LibraryStore objects

You can use the dump method to export the current state of a LibraryStore into a JSON file with a given filename, and the load method to fill an existing LibraryStore from previously exported data. Note that loading currently clears any content the LibraryStore might hold.

Resolving functions from libraries

After evaluating or loading the dependency tree, calling resolve_functions(elf) on LibraryStore will (try to) resolve all imported functions to the absolute paths of the libraries which provide the functions as well as marking the importer as a user in the providing library. After the resolution has finished, every function in the imports dictionary is mapped to the absolute path of the library where the function is located. resolve_functions can also be called with an absolute path to a library, in which case it will internally try to resolve this path to a Library object in the LibraryStore.

If you want to resolve all functions in all entries in the LibraryStore object, you can call resolve_all_functions(). This function takes an optional parameter all_entries, defaulting to False. If set to True, the resolution will start from every known Library object in the store; if set to False, only executable objects and their reachable dependencies will be resolved. If some files should be added to the resolution regardless of their executable status, they can be added to an entry point list using the set_additional_entry_points() method.

Analyzing calls between exported functions

As exports might not only be referenced externally but also be called from another exported function, we also need to consider calls between exports in order to properly determine the set of used functions in libraries.

In the interface_calls module, the resolve_calls method starts a parallel analysis of all Library objects, looking for calls to known exported functions (either directly or via the PLT) in the disassembled binary code. Disassembly is generated using the Capstone framework. The analysis populates the calls dictionary in the respective Library object, with a function name as the key and a set of directly called functions from that key as value.

This information is used by the propagate_call_usage method in LibraryStore which propagates the external usage information calculated by resolve_functions() into the functions which are called inside the same library.

Generating uprobe events

This tool can only do static analysis of binaries and libraries. For a more detailed and fine-grained picture of the use of functions in a given system, we might need dynamic tracing data to see which functions are actually used.

Linux provides uprobes, an event tracing interface which allows us to log executions of code at an offset inside an executable file. As the Library objects already provide which exports a given library has, we can generate uprobe events for every exported function in order to get an output line in the trace file whenever the function is called.

You can call generate_uprobe_strings(output_name) on LibraryStore which will write a list of uprobe event strings into the file named output_name. These events can then be written into the uprobe_events file in the tracing filesystem of Linux. Note that the optional all_entries parameter defaults to True for this function as the static analysis might have missed some connections which the dynamic analysis then might discover.

Environment variables

You can influence some specific behaviour of the ELF file parser and usage information propagation through setting the environment variables below.

Environment variable Description
LD_LIBRARY_PATH Basically the same as in the loader, the colon-separated paths in this variable are searched for matching libraries before the cache
EXTRA_LIBRARY_PATH Works like LD_LIBRARY_PATH, except it does not influence the loader itself so it can be used to run the analysis with modified libraries which would otherwise be used by Python
EXTERNAL_DEBUG_DIR A colon-separated list of paths where external ELF files with debug information are searched. Possible locations for a file originally located at /lib/ under these directories are,, lib/ and lib/
EXTERNAL_BUILDID_DIR A colon-separated list of paths where external ELF files with debug informations are located using the build ID identification method. The checked location under the directory is build_id[:2]/build_id[2:].debug
USE_DEBUGINFOD If set to a non-zero value, the library parsing process will query debuginfod servers for ELF files with debug information if no local files were found.
NOTYPE_AS_FUNCTION If set, imported symbols with type STT_NOTYPE will be treated as if they were STT_FUNC. This can be useful for analyzing external modules from Apache, for example, as imported functions from the Apache runtime will have their type set to STT_NOTYPE.
ALL_FUNCTIONS_FROM_OBJECTS If set, a reference to an object containing function pointers will mark all function pointers in the object as used. While this increases static coverage of possibly required functions, it can lead to a very high overapproximation depending on the structure of the target library (i.e., if most functions are referenced from a structure which is initialized but never actually used)
FIXUP_FUNCTION_RANGES If set, parsing the ELF files will entail an additional postprocessing step which checks if the gaps between known function boundaries consist of NOPs only. In this case, the ranges dictionary entry of the preceding function is updated to include the trailing NOPs.
MOUNT_PREFIX A path prefix that is removed from all paths generated in the uprobes file generated with the --uprobe-strings parameter. This way, the uprobes can be directly copied to the target file system. Additionally, respects (i.e., re-appends) this prefix when resolving the probes back to paths in the JSON file.
TAILOR_BINARIES If set, the transitive call propagation will also follow the control flow in functions in executable files (as checked by os.access(<path>, X_OK)) which may lead to eliminated functions in the executable. Otherwise, all local and exported functions in executable files are marked as used by 'BINARY'.
COPIED_BASE If set, the path to the interpreter from a PT_INTERP program header is modified by prepending the value of COPIED_BASE to the value in the header. This allows the integrated analysis of the loader for a copied file system tree.

Analyzing a collection of object files

If you know the set of ELF files you would like to analyze but do not have a running system, you can use the DirectoryScan class. This class only requires a directory name containing all ELF files in question and will try to cross-reference all imports and exports from the files contained in this directory.

After constructing an object with scan = DirectoryScan('./libdir/'), you can instruct scan to parse the ELF files by calling read_libraries. After that, scan.libraries will contain a Library object for every ELF file in the base directory. With this done, you can call the try_resolve method to cross-reference all imports and exports between the Library objects.

Once try_resolve has been run, all Library's imports and exports dictionaries will contain values for referenced functions; for a successfully resolved imported function, its value will be the path to the object file from which the function is imported; on the other end, if a function is exported and referenced from another file, its value will be a list of paths to all object files importing the function in question.

This information can be printed using the print_imports_exports method. If you only want to print import/export information for a subset of all files, this method supports passing a name_match parameter: if given, only those libraries are printed for which name_match is a substring of the target library name(s).

An example for using DirectoryScan can be found in scripts/


Gather imports and exports for ELF files







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