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This is VaultSharp Version 0.4.1.

With Vault releasing its 0.5.0, VaultSharp Version 0.5.0 is already in progress and coming soon.

This VaultSharp Version 0.4.1 is still completely compatible with Vault 0.5.x


A .NET Library for HashiCorp's Vault - A Secret Management System.

Table of Contents

What is VaultSharp?

  • VaultSharp is a C# Library that can be used in any .NET application to interact with Hashicorp's Vault Service.
  • The Vault system is a secret management system built as an Http Service by Hashicorp.
  • This library supports all the Vault Service Apis documented here:

VaultSharp 0.4.x should completely support Vault Service 0.4.0

What is the deal with the Versioning of VaultSharp? (Y U NO 1.0.0)

  • This library is written for the Vault Service version 0.4.0
  • The Vault service is evolving constantly and the Hashicorp team is rapidly working on it.
  • Pretty soon, we should have an 1.0.0 version of the Vault Service from Hashicorp.
  • Because this client library is intended to facilititate the Vault Service operations, this library makes it easier for its consumers to relate to the Vault service it supports.
  • Hence a version of 0.4.x denotes that this library will completely support the Vault 0.4.x Service Apis.
  • Tomorrow when Vault Service gets upgraded to 0.5.x, this library will be modified accordingly and versioned as 0.5.x

How do I use VaultSharp? Give me a code example

// instantiate VaultClient with one of the various authentication options available.
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, authenticationInfo);

// use it for operations.
var consulCredentials = await vaultClient.ConsulGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(consulRoleName, consulMountPoint);
var consulToken = consulCredentials.Data.Token;

Does VaultSharp support all the Authentication, Secret and Audit Backends?

  • YES
  • All Authentication, Secret and Audit backends are supported by this library.
  • All administrative (seal, unseal, write policy), end-user (generate credentials) and unauthenticated methods (get status, get root CA) are supported by this client.

VaultSharp and 100% Consul Support

  • VaultSharp supports all the secret backends supported by the Vault 0.4.0 Service.
  • This includes 100% support for a Consul Secret backend, which is the recommended secret backend for Vault.
  • Please look at the API usage in the 'Consul' section of 'Secret Backends' below, to see all the Consul related methods in action.

The fundamental READ and WRITE operations on a Vault

  • The generic READ/WRITE Apis of vault allow you to do a variety of operations.
  • A lot or almost all of these operations are supported in a strongly typed manner with dedicated methods for them in this library.
  • However, for some reason, if you want to use the generic READ and WRITE methods of Vault, you can use them as follows:
var path = "cubbyhole/foo/test";

var secretData = new Dictionary<string, object>
    {"1", "1"},
    {"2", 2},
    {"3", false},

await vaultClient.WriteSecretAsync(path, secretData);

var secret = await vaultClient.ReadSecretAsync(path);
var data = secret.Data; // this is the original dictionary back.

Can I use it in my PowerShell Automation?

  • Absolutely. VaultSharp is a .NET Library.
  • This means, apart from using it in your C#, VB.NET, J#.NET and any .NET application, you can use it in PowerShell automation as well.
  • Load up the DLL in your PowerShell code and execute the methods. PowerShell can totally work with .NET Dlls.

All the methods are async. How do I use them synchronously?

  • The methods are async as the defacto implementation. The recommended usage.
  • However, there are innumerable scenarios where you would continue to want to use it synchronously.
  • For all those cases, there are various options available to you.
  • There is a lot of discussion around the right usage, avoiding deadlocks etc.
  • This library allows you to set the 'continueAsyncTasksOnCapturedContext' option when you initialize the client.
  • It is an optional parameter and defaults to 'false'
  • Setting it to false, allows you to access the .Result property of the task with reduced/zero deadlock issues.
  • There are other ways as well to invoke it synchronously, and I leave it to you guys. (Task.Run etc.)
  • But please note that as much as possible, use it in an async manner.
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, authenticationInfo, continueAsyncTasksOnCapturedContext: true);

var consulSecret = vaultClient.ConsulGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(consulRole).Result;

Authentication Backends (All of them are supported)

  • VaultSharp supports all the authentication backends supported by the Vault Service 0.4.0
  • Here is a sample to instantiate the vault client with each of the authentication backends.

App Id Authentication Backend

IAuthenticationInfo appIdAuthenticationInfo = new AppIdAuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, appId, userId);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, appIdAuthenticationInfo);

// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the app id and user id.

GitHub Authentication Backend

IAuthenticationInfo gitHubAuthenticationInfo = new GitHubAuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, personalAccessToken);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, gitHubAuthenticationInfo);

// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the github token.

LDAP Authentication Backend

IAuthenticationInfo ldapAuthenticationInfo = new LDAPAuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, username, password);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, ldapAuthenticationInfo);

// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the LDAP username and password.

Certificate (TLS) Authentication Backend

var clientCertificate = new X509Certificate2(certificatePath, certificatePassword, X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable | X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet);

IAuthenticationInfo certificateAuthenticationInfo = new CertificateAuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, clientCertificate);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, certificateAuthenticationInfo);

// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the client certificate.

Token Authentication Backend

IAuthenticationInfo tokenAuthenticationInfo = new TokenAuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, vaultToken);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, tokenAuthenticationInfo);

// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the vault token.

Username and Password Authentication Backend

IAuthenticationInfo usernamePasswordAuthenticationInfo = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, username, password);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, usernamePasswordAuthenticationInfo);

// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the username/password.

Secret Backends (All of them are supported)

  • VaultSharp supports all the secret backends supported by the Vault Service 0.4.0
  • Here is a sample to instantiate the vault client with each of the secret backends.

AWS Secret Backend

Configuring an AWS Backend
// mount the backend
await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(new SecretBackend
    BackendType = SecretBackendType.AWS

// configure root credentials to create/manage roles and generate credentials
await vaultClient.AWSConfigureRootCredentialsAsync(new AWSRootCredentials
    AccessKey = "access-key",
    SecretKey = "secret-key",
    Region = "region"

// create a named role with the IAM policy
await vaultClient.AWSWriteNamedRoleAsync("myAwsRole", new AWSRoleDefinition
    Policy = "iam-policy-contents"
Generate AWS Credentials
var awsCredentials = await vaultClient.AWSGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync("myAwsRole");
var awsAccessKey = awsCredentials.Data.AccessKey;
var awsSecretKey = awsCredentials.Data.SecretKey;

Cassandra Secret Backend

Configuring a Cassandra Backend
// mount the backend
await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(new SecretBackend
    BackendType = SecretBackendType.Cassandra

// configure root connection info to create/manage roles and generate credentials
await vaultClient.CassandraConfigureConnectionAsync(new CassandraConnectionInfo
    Hosts = "hosts",
    Username = "username",
    Password = "password"

// create a named role
await vaultClient.CassandraWriteNamedRoleAsync("myCassandraRole", new CassandraRoleDefinition
    CreationCql = "csql"
Generate Cassandra Credentials
var cassandraCredentials = await vaultClient.CassandraGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync("myCassandraRole");
var cassandraUsername = cassandraCredentials.Data.Username;
var cassandraPassword = cassandraCredentials.Data.Password;

Consul Secret Backend

Configuring a Consul Backend
// mount the backend
var consulAddress = "";
var consulAclMasterToken = "raja";

var backend = new SecretBackend
    BackendType = SecretBackendType.Consul,

await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);

// configure access to Consul and create roles
var consulRole = "consulRole";

await vaultClient.ConsulConfigureAccessAsync(new ConsulAccessInfo()
    AddressWithPort = consulAddress,
    ManagementToken = consulAclMasterToken

// create a named role
await vaultClient.ConsulWriteNamedRoleAsync(consulRole, new ConsulRoleDefinition()
    TokenType =,

var readRole = await vaultClient.ConsulReadNamedRoleAsync(consulRole);
Assert.Equal(, readRole.Data.TokenType);
Generate Consul Credentials
var consulCredentials = await vaultClient.ConsulGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(consulRole);
var consulToken = consulCredentials.Data.Token;
Deleting Role and Unmounting the Consul backend
await vaultClient.ConsulDeleteNamedRoleAsync(consulRole);
await vaultClient.UnmountSecretBackendAsync(SecretBackendType.Consul.Type);

Cubbyhole Secret Backend

var path = "cubbyhole/foo1/foo2";
var values = new Dictionary<string, object>
    {"foo", "bar"},
    {"foo2", 345 }

await vaultClient.CubbyholeWriteSecretAsync(path, values);

var readValues = await vaultClient.CubbyholeReadSecretAsync(path);
var data = readValues.Data; // gives back the dictionary

await vaultClient.CubbyholeDeleteSecretAsync(path);

Generic Secret Backend

var mountpoint = "secret" + Guid.NewGuid();

var path = mountpoint + "/foo1/blah2";
var values = new Dictionary<string, object>
    {"foo", "bar"},
    {"foo2", 345 }

    vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(new SecretBackend()
        BackendType = SecretBackendType.Generic,
        MountPoint = mountpoint

await vaultClient.GenericWriteSecretAsync(path, values);

var readValues = await vaultClient.GenericReadSecretAsync(path);
var data = readValues.Data; // gives back the dictionary

await vaultClient.GenericDeleteSecretAsync(path);

MySql Secret Backend

Configuring a MySql Backend
// mount the backend
var mountPoint = "mysql" + Guid.NewGuid();
var backend = new SecretBackend
    MountPoint = mountPoint,
    BackendType = SecretBackendType.MySql,

await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);

// configure root connection info to create/manage roles and generate credentials
await vaultClient.MySqlConfigureConnectionAsync(new MySqlConnectionInfo()
    DataSourceName = "root:root@tcp("
}, mountPoint);

var sql = "CREATE USER '{{name}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}';GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO '{{name}}'@'%';";

await vaultClient.MySqlConfigureCredentialLeaseSettingsAsync(new CredentialLeaseSettings()
    LeaseDuration = "1h",
    MaximumLeaseDuration = "2h"
}, mountPoint);

// create a named role
var mySqlRole = "mysql-readonly-role";

await vaultClient.MySqlWriteNamedRoleAsync(mySqlRole, new MySqlRoleDefinition()
    Sql = sql
}, mountPoint);

var readRole = await vaultClient.MySqlReadNamedRoleAsync(mySqlRole, mountPoint);
var roleSql = readRole.Data.Sql;
Generate MySql Credentials
var mySqlCredentials = await vaultClient.MySqlGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(mySqlRole, backend.MountPoint);

var mySqlUsername = mySqlCredentials.Data.Username;
var mySqlPassword = mySqlCredentials.Data.Password;

PKI (Certificates) Secret Backend

Configuring a PKI Backend
// mount the backend
var mountpoint = "pki" + Guid.NewGuid();
var backend = new SecretBackend
    BackendType = SecretBackendType.PKI,
    MountPoint = mountpoint

await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);

// write expiry
var expiry = "124h";
var commonName = "";

await vaultClient.PKIWriteCRLExpirationAsync(expiry, mountpoint);

var readExpiry = await vaultClient.PKIReadCRLExpirationAsync(mountpoint);
Assert.Equal(expiry, readExpiry.Data.Expiry);

// read certificate in various ways
var nocaCert = await vaultClient.PKIReadCACertificateAsync(CertificateFormat.pem, mountpoint);

// generate root certificate
var rootCertificateWithoutPrivateKey =
    await vaultClient.PKIGenerateRootCACertificateAsync(new RootCertificateRequestOptions
        CommonName = commonName,
        ExportPrivateKey = false
    }, mountpoint);


var rootCertificate =
    await vaultClient.PKIGenerateRootCACertificateAsync(new RootCertificateRequestOptions
        CommonName = commonName,
        ExportPrivateKey = true
    }, mountpoint);


// read certificate in various ways
var caCert = await vaultClient.PKIReadCACertificateAsync(CertificateFormat.pem, mountpoint);

var caReadCert = await vaultClient.PKIReadCertificateAsync("ca", mountpoint);
Assert.Equal(caCert.CertificateContent, caReadCert.Data.CertificateContent);

var caSerialNumberReadCert = await vaultClient.PKIReadCertificateAsync(rootCertificate.Data.SerialNumber, mountpoint);
Assert.Equal(caCert.CertificateContent, caSerialNumberReadCert.Data.CertificateContent);

var crlCert = await vaultClient.PKIReadCertificateAsync("crl", mountpoint);

var crlCert2 = await vaultClient.PKIReadCRLCertificateAsync(CertificateFormat.pem, mountpoint);

// write and read certificate endpoints

var crlEndpoint = _vaultUri.AbsoluteUri + "/v1/" + mountpoint + "/crl";
var issuingEndpoint = _vaultUri.AbsoluteUri + "/v1/" + mountpoint + "/ca";

var endpoints = new CertificateEndpointOptions
    CRLDistributionPointEndpoints = string.Join(",", new List<string> { crlEndpoint }),
    IssuingCertificateEndpoints = string.Join(",", new List<string> { issuingEndpoint }),

await vaultClient.PKIWriteCertificateEndpointsAsync(endpoints, mountpoint);

var readEndpoints = await vaultClient.PKIReadCertificateEndpointsAsync(mountpoint);

Assert.Equal(crlEndpoint, readEndpoints.Data.CRLDistributionPointEndpoints.First());
Assert.Equal(issuingEndpoint, readEndpoints.Data.IssuingCertificateEndpoints.First());

// rotate CRL
var rotate = await vaultClient.PKIRotateCRLAsync(mountpoint);

await vaultClient.RevokeSecretAsync(rootCertificateWithoutPrivateKey.LeaseId);
Write/Read PKI Role
// Create new Role
var roleName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

var role = new CertificateRoleDefinition
    AllowedDomains = "",
    AllowSubdomains = true,
    MaximumTimeToLive = "72h",

await vaultClient.PKIWriteNamedRoleAsync(roleName, role, mountpoint);

var readRole = await vaultClient.PKIReadNamedRoleAsync(roleName, mountpoint);
Assert.Equal(role.AllowedDomains, readRole.Data.AllowedDomains);
Generate PKI Credentials
var certificateCredentials =
            new CertificateCredentialsRequestOptions
                CommonName = commonName,
                CertificateFormat = CertificateFormat.pem
            }, mountpoint);

var privateKey = certificateCredentials.Data.PrivateKey;

PostgreSql Secret Backend

Configuring a PostgreSql Backend
// mount the backend
var mountPoint = "postgresql" + Guid.NewGuid();
var backend = new SecretBackend
    MountPoint = mountPoint,
    BackendType = SecretBackendType.PostgreSql,

await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);

await vaultClient.PostgreSqlConfigureCredentialLeaseSettingsAsync(new CredentialLeaseSettings()
    LeaseDuration = "1h",
    MaximumLeaseDuration = "2h"
}, mountPoint);

// configure root connection info to create/manage roles and generate credentials
await vaultClient.PostgreSqlConfigureConnectionAsync(new PostgreSqlConnectionInfo
    ConnectionString = "con_string",
    MaximumOpenConnections = 5
}, mountPoint);

var sql = "CREATE ROLE \"{{name}}\" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '{{password}}' VALID UNTIL '{{expiration}}'; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO \"{{name}}\";";

// create a named role
var postgreSqlRole = "postgresql-readonly-role";

await vaultClient.PostgreSqlWriteNamedRoleAsync(postgreSqlRole, new PostgreSqlRoleDefinition()
    Sql = sql
}, mountPoint);

var readRole = await vaultClient.PostgreSqlReadNamedRoleAsync(postgreSqlRole, mountPoint);
Assert.Equal(sql, readRole.Data.Sql);
Generate PostgreSql Credentials
var postgreSqlCredentials = await vaultClient.PostgreSqlGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(postgreSqlRole, backend.MountPoint);


SSH Secret Backend

Configuring a SSH Backend
// mount the backend
var sshKeyName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var sshRoleName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

var mountPoint = "ssh" + Guid.NewGuid();
var backend = new SecretBackend
    BackendType = SecretBackendType.SSH,
    MountPoint = mountPoint,

await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);

// configure key and role
var privateKey = @"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- key ---";

var ip = "";
var user = "rajan";

await vaultClient.SSHWriteNamedKeyAsync(sshKeyName, privateKey, mountPoint);
await vaultClient.SSHWriteNamedRoleAsync(sshRoleName, new SSHOTPRoleDefinition
    RoleDefaultUser = user,
    CIDRValues = "",
}, mountPoint);

var role = await vaultClient.SSHReadNamedRoleAsync(sshRoleName, mountPoint);
Assert.True(role.Data.KeyTypeToGenerate == SSHKeyType.otp);
Generate SSH Credentials
var credentials = await
    vaultClient.SSHGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(sshRoleName, ip,
        sshBackendMountPoint: mountPoint);

Assert.Equal(user, credentials.Data.Username);

Transit Secret Backend

Configuring a Transit Backend
// mount the backend
var backend = new SecretBackend
    BackendType = SecretBackendType.Transit,
    MountPoint = "transit" + Guid.NewGuid(),

await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);

// create encryption key
var keyName = "test_key" + Guid.NewGuid();
var context = "context1";

var plainText = "raja";
var encodedPlainText = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText));

await vaultClient.TransitCreateEncryptionKeyAsync(keyName, true, backend.MountPoint);
var keyInfo = await vaultClient.TransitGetEncryptionKeyInfoAsync(keyName, backend.MountPoint);

Assert.Equal(keyName, keyInfo.Data.Name);

// configure the key
await vaultClient.TransitConfigureEncryptionKeyAsync(keyName, isDeletionAllowed: true, transitBackendMountPoint: backend.MountPoint);

keyInfo = await vaultClient.TransitGetEncryptionKeyInfoAsync(keyName, backend.MountPoint);
Encrypt/Decrypt text
var cipherText = await vaultClient.TransitEncryptAsync(keyName, encodedPlainText, context, transitBackendMountPoint: backend.MountPoint);

var plainText2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String((await vaultClient.TransitDecryptAsync(keyName, cipherText.Data.CipherText, context, backend.MountPoint)).Data.PlainText));

Assert.Equal(plainText, plainText2);
Other Transit Operations
await vaultClient.TransitRotateEncryptionKeyAsync(keyName, backend.MountPoint);
var cipherText2 = await vaultClient.TransitEncryptAsync(keyName, encodedPlainText, context, transitBackendMountPoint: backend.MountPoint);

Assert.NotEqual(cipherText.Data.CipherText, cipherText2.Data.CipherText);

var cipherText3 = await vaultClient.TransitRewrapWithLatestEncryptionKeyAsync(keyName, cipherText.Data.CipherText, context, backend.MountPoint);

var newKey1 = await vaultClient.TransitCreateDataKeyAsync(keyName, false, context, 128, backend.MountPoint);

newKey1 = await vaultClient.TransitCreateDataKeyAsync(keyName, true, context, 128, backend.MountPoint);

await vaultClient.TransitDeleteEncryptionKeyAsync(keyName, backend.MountPoint);

Audit Backends (All of them are supported)

  • VaultSharp supports all the audit backends supported by the Vault Service 0.4.0
  • Here is a sample to instantiate the vault client with each of the audit backends.

File Audit Backend

var audits = (await vaultClient.GetAllEnabledAuditBackendsAsync()).ToList();

// enable new file audit
var newFileAudit = new FileAuditBackend
    BackendType = AuditBackendType.File,
    Description = "store logs in a file - test cases",
    Options = new FileAuditBackendOptions
        FilePath = "/var/log/file"

await vaultClient.EnableAuditBackendAsync(newFileAudit);

// get audits
var newAudits = (await vaultClient.GetAllEnabledAuditBackendsAsync()).ToList();
Assert.Equal(audits.Count + 1, newAudits.Count);

// hash with audit
var hash = await vaultClient.HashWithAuditBackendAsync(newFileAudit.MountPoint, "testinput");

// disabled audit
await vaultClient.DisableAuditBackendAsync(newFileAudit.MountPoint);

Syslog Audit Backend

// enable new syslog audit
var newSyslogAudit = new SyslogAuditBackend
    BackendType = AuditBackendType.Syslog,
    Description = "syslog audit - test cases",
    Options = new SyslogAuditBackendOptions()

await vaultClient.EnableAuditBackendAsync(newSyslogAudit);

// get audits
var newAudits2 = (await vaultClient.GetAllEnabledAuditBackendsAsync()).ToList();
Assert.Equal(1, newAudits2.Count);

// disabled audit
await vaultClient.DisableAuditBackendAsync(newSyslogAudit.MountPoint);

// get audits
var oldAudits2 = (await vaultClient.GetAllEnabledAuditBackendsAsync()).ToList();
Assert.Equal(audits.Count, oldAudits2.Count);

More Administrative & Other operations

  • VaultSharp supports all the operations supported by the Service.
  • These include administrative ones like Inititalize, Unseal, Seal etc.
  • Here are some samples.
await noAuthInfoClient.InitializeAsync(5, 3, null);
await vaultClient.SealAsync();

await vaultClient.UnsealAsync(masterKey); // need to run this in a loop for all master keys
await vaultClient.UnsealQuickAsync(allMasterKeys);  // unseals the Vault in 1 shot.

await vaultClient.GetSealStatusAsync();

// all policy operations

// write a new policy
var newPolicy = new Policy
    Name = "gubdu",
    Rules = "path \"sys/*\" {  policy = \"deny\" }"

await vaultClient.WritePolicyAsync(newPolicy);

// get new policy
var newPolicyGet = await vaultClient.GetPolicyAsync(newPolicy.Name);
Assert.Equal(newPolicy.Rules, newPolicyGet.Rules);

// write updates to a new policy
newPolicy.Rules = "path \"sys/*\" {  policy = \"read\" }";

await vaultClient.WritePolicyAsync(newPolicy);

// get new policy
newPolicyGet = await vaultClient.GetPolicyAsync(newPolicy.Name);
Assert.Equal(newPolicy.Rules, newPolicyGet.Rules);

// delete policy
await vaultClient.DeletePolicyAsync(newPolicy.Name);

In Conclusion

Happy Coding folks!


A .NET Library for HashiCorp's Vault Service -







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