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Transferring Multitouch Settings to a Different Mac

Ryan Hanson edited this page Jan 6, 2023 · 4 revisions

Transferring your settings

Multitouch gestures and keyboard shortcut configurations are automatically synchronized via iCloud, although there are some minor parts of the configuration that do not automatically synchronize, like bash commands if you have those configured.

There's a checkbox Sync gesture config in iCloud for this setting, and if you want to just transfer all of your settings without having the gestures synced, then you can uncheck that box and copy over the plist that holds all of the Multitouch configuration to the new device. It's located at


Follow these steps on your new device:

  1. Make sure Multitouch is not running
  2. Put the desired plist in ~/Library/Preferences
  3. Run defaults read com.brassmonkery.Multitouch.plist in Terminal
  4. Open Multitouch

Transferring your License

Current licenses of Multitouch can be active on 3 Macs at a time.

To remove a license from a Mac, for use on another Mac:

  1. Open the About window (Help | About Multitouch in the status bar menu)
  2. Click Deactivate License

If you forgot to deactivate a license key on a macOS install that you no longer have access to, and you have run out of activations, you can remove the oldest activation in the settings tab of the preferences window as shown below:
