- python=3.11
- pymongo
jasentool -h
Use the method help argument for information regarding the input for each of Jasentool's methods (find
, insert
, remove
, validate
, missing
, fix
, convert
, converge
, qc
jasentool <method> -h
jasentool validate (-i INPUT_FILE [INPUT_FILE ...] | --input_dir INPUT_DIR) --db_name DB_NAME --db_collection DB_COLLECTION -o OUTPUT_FILE [--address ADDRESS] [-h]
jasentool missing --db_name <db_name> --db_collection <db_collection> --analysis_dir <jasen_analysis_results_dir> --restore_dir <restore_dir> --restore_file <restore_file.sh> -o <output_file.csv>
jasentool fix --csv_file /data/tmp/multi_microbiology.csv --sh_file /data/tmp/multi_microbiology.sh -o <flow_cell_id>_jasen.csv --remote_dir /fs1/ryan/pipelines/jasen/bjorn/ --remote
jasentool convert [-i INPUT_FILE [INPUT_FILE ...]] -o OUTPUT_FILE [-f OUT_FORMAT] [-a ACCESSION] [-h]
jasentool converge --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR [--save_dbs]
jasentool qc --sample_id SAMPLE_ID --bam_file BAM_FILE --reference REFERENCE -o OUTPUT_FILE [--bed_file BED_FILE] [--baits_file BAITS_FILE] [--cpus CPUS] [-h]