(NOTE: check out palettable for lots more colormaps!)
- in THE_ARGO_NFT execute (python3) the_executer.py
- Upload movies to IPFS (e.g., using pinata)
- Grab the link and adjust the generate\metadata and prereveal_json scripts then run them.
- Upload metadata to IPFS.
- Copy-paste the smart contract (.sol file) into remix, change name of file and name of Contract function accordingly. Also READ the contract and modify for your use case.
- When you're done reading/modifying the .sol file, save it locally, go to the compiler section and turn on Auto compile and Enable optimization (I leave it at default 200). Also note the compiler version. Also change the "CONTRACT" box from Address to your contract name. Make sure your code compiles!
- Go to the deployment tab and change environment to Injected Web3
- change your network to the correct one before proceeding!
- Select your contract in the CONTRACT drop-down menu.
- Click down arrow next to DEPLOY and fill out _NAME, _SYMBOL, _INITBASEURI, and INITNOTREVEALEDURI. For the URIs, grab them from pinata. Make sure to end those URIs with a forward slash!! (forward slash == "/" without the quotes).
- BEFORE clicking on transact, click the "copy" button next to it and save the bytecode in a text file somewhere.
- Then hit transact, test functionality such as minting (un-pause for that). So I unpaused minting but couldn't get it to mint. I think it has to do with how I wasn't going to allow the owner to mint (I tried on a different account tho).
So I updated the contract to allow the owner to mint again and changed the name of the contract to v002. Still uses IPFS of v001...
v002 and v003 called the contructor for v001 for some reason. Going to quit out of brave and try again.
v004 at least everything was calling v004 functions but still didn't let me mint. So I'm going back to Rinkeby for v005 and maybe I'll just use regular polygon for v006 and burn the nfts after testing...
v005 deployed on Polygon but still no dice. I think either setting pause to false isn't working (maybe needs cap locked?) or it's the fact that I say the price is in ether and it should actually be matic (although I don't think hashlips changed that in the vid...)
v006 will try Rinkeby again. If that still fails, it has to do with something I changed (maybe removing renounce ownership??)
Still refusing to mint...Watch hashlips vid, possibly grab fresh contract from him and try again.
Watched it. I'll just grab a fresh contract from him.
That worked! (v007). Going to change collection name to CFD v(etc) since typing it out breaks page. Also going to change piece names to #(number) and colormap name. Also the description didn't show up... so probably I messed up on pinata somehow...
v008 will adjust the metadata names to be #(num) + colormap and change the... So the hidden files look better. But it won't let me mint when using another account...maybe b/c I removed the hashlips withdrawal? I'll try copying fresh from his file again and minimally modifying it. AAAAH it was failing because I wasn't putting in a value... so this probably would've worked if I had deployed on the minting dapp...
Okay so v009 will do some v001 edits. It worked!
v0.0.10 will use the Mumbai testnet (otherwise same contract). Mostly worked! #16 stayed hidden forever b/c I number 0-15 whereas tokenIds are 1-index (lame). So, I need to change the baseURI to be token-1.
v0.0.11 will test on Polygon (yes mainnet). I'll make sure to verify the smart contract before minting - and only mint on the website like for the real deal. Also going to update the website favicon and some stuff.
v0.0.11 remix snafu'd: polygon said it had deployed but the contract remained "pending creation" on remix.
v0.0.12 I tried again and increased the gas and it worked! I then verified the contract on Polygon scan. Now I'm updating the minting dapp so I copied the ppt that I take screenshots of for the title image ("logo") and the background -- which I decided to be blank for simplicity.
v0.0.12: mints successfully from polygon scan -- so it must be purely a website / javascript bug that prevents from minting on that side!
I had to rm -rf node_modules in the minting dapp directory (I guess npm install is lazy which makes sense). For some reason, when I minted from fleek the hidden images didn't show up on OpenSea, but the reveal went flawlessly.
v0.0.13 will be one last dry run. Worked flawlessly! Now I'll just redeploy the contract for V1.0.0, redeploy the website and I'm good!