Awesome list of accessibility related things!
- Awesome Accessibility the OG list, still being updated regularly
tota11y Accessibility visualization toolkit from Khan Academy
a11y Command-line accessibility audit tool using the chrome accessibility developer tools
eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y This will be very helpful, also integrates with code analysis such as Istanbul.
axe-core E2e testing module for Selenium (if they use it in their CI pipeline)
react-a11y react static analysis tool for a11y
aXe Browser inspector plugin for aXe
WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool) Another browser extension
NVAccess Open source, windows only, widely used
JAWS Windows, proprietary.
ChromeVox Built-in to chromebooks, also has an extension available
Accessibility & Me A primer and resource list for learning about accessibility
The A11y Project A fantastic go-to resource for educating yourself on web accessibility
Web Accessibility Course by Google A free cccessibility course on Udacity that will teach you a lot about a11y, compliance and how to use tools.
React Accessibility Documentation A decent amount of info regarding react’s accessibility capabilities.