If you are looking for the self guided training repository for CTS-IT Gitflow training then you are in the right spot. In this repository you will find the files and materials needed to create a Python program that will sort the included phonebook.csv file into an output list of people's names and phone numbers sorted by last name. Please do not spend a lot of time on the code portion of this exercise as it is more important that you follow the gitflow procedure that will result in a pull request in Github. If you have any trouble please see the instructor.
Please create a feature branch using git flow and edit the included phonebook.py file in anyway necessary to use the phonebook.csv file as input and output to a file a list of names and phone numbers sorted by last name alphabetically. Remember to use your Gitflow Guide. After you are done with the programming finish your feature, create a pull request from your forked develop branch back to the develop branch of the CTS-IT J.O.B-Training-Repo-2 repository and find your instructor in order to proceed to module four of this gitflow training.
The resulting output of your Python program should result in the following list:
first_name | last_name | phone1 |
Cammy | Albares | 956-537-6195 |
Minna | Amigon | 215-874-1229 |
James | Butt | 504-621-8927 |
Kiley | Caldarera | 310-498-5651 |
Josephine | Darakjy | 810-292-9388 |
Leota | Dilliard | 408-752-3500 |
Donette | Foller | 513-570-1893 |
Meaghan | Garufi | 931-313-9635 |
Abel | Maclead | 631-335-3414 |
Kris | Marrier | 410-655-8723 |
Simona | Morasca | 419-503-2484 |
Lenna | Paprocki | 907-385-4412 |
Mattie | Poquette | 602-277-4385 |
Gladys | Rim | 414-661-9598 |
Graciela | Ruta | 440-780-8425 |
Mitsue | Tollner | 773-573-6914 |
Art | Venere | 856-636-8749 |
Yuki | Whobrey | 313-288-7937 |
Sage | Wieser | 605-414-2147 |