is a Crossplane provider that
is built using Upjet code
generation tools and exposes XRM-conformant managed resources for the
Oci API.
Follow the below steps for generating the code and test. Make sure go is installed and path is set for the go binaries
Git clone the repo
cd provider-oci/
make generate # This will generate the binaries and CRDs.
kubectl apply -f package/crds # A k8s cluster must be available running locally
make run # This will start crossplane provider against the local kubernetes cluster .
In another terminal run the below commands to test the provider. Make sure to setup the OCI credentials in examples/providerconfig/secret.yaml using the template examples/providerconfig/secret.yaml.tmpl
# Create "crossplane-system" namespace if not exists
kubectl create namespace crossplane-system --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl apply -f examples/providerconfig/
kubectl apply -f examples/identity/compartment.yaml # open the compartment.yaml and update the compartment id in wich the new compartment to be created
kubectl get managed # To check the status
make build # This will build docker image in local machie. This can be pushed to any container registry
using declarative api
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Provider
name: provider-oci
package: <registry>/provider-oci:<tag>
Run code-generation pipeline:
go run cmd/generator/main.go "$PWD"
Run against a Kubernetes cluster:
make run
Build, push, and install:
make all
Build binary:
make build
For filing bugs, suggesting improvements, or requesting new features, please open an issue.
This project is not accepting external contributions at this time. For bugs or enhancement requests, please file a GitHub issue unless it’s security related. When filing a bug remember that the better written the bug is, the more likely it is to be fixed. If you think you’ve found a security vulnerability, do not raise a GitHub issue and follow the instructions in our security policy.
provider-jet-oci adheres to the same Code of Conduct as the core Crossplane project.
Please consult the security guide for our responsible security vulnerability disclosure process
provider-jet-oci is under the Apache 2.0 license.