Mod Library is a database for managing and searching your favourite music modules. Thanks to libopenmpt, it supports a wealth of different module formats.
This software is currently in a very early development stage. Many things are still expected to change. Since there has been no "official" release yet, you should not expect that the database schema remains stable until that release.
Later versions of the software will naturally support schema upgrades (the code for this does already exist), but until the first release, the schema version will stay at version 1. In the worst case, you will have to delete the database file and recreate your module database.
Mod Library is written in C++ using Visual Studio 2015. It should also work on various other compilers on operating systems other than Windows, but this is currently untested. Mod Library has the following external dependencies:
Qt 5.6 or newer (
libopenmpt (
The Visual Studio solution assumes this to be placed in the folder lib/libopenmpt/
PortAudio (
The Visual Studio solution assumes this to be placed in the folder lib/libopempt/include/portaudio/ as the libopenmpt Windows package already comes with its own PortAudio package.
KissFFT (
The Visual Studio solution assumes this to be placed in the folder lib/kiss_fft/
Chromaprint (
The Visual Studio solution assumes this to be placed in the folder lib/chromaprint/
Mod Library was created by Johannes Schultz. You can contact me through my websites: