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0.1.0 Grammar

Robert Durst edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 1 revision


Update 2/26/19: While this is a work in progress, it is closer to freezing for a point release as I move from the parser to semantic analyzer.

Update 3/3/19: Still WIP as it becomes clear that, in attempt to write the TypeChecker, some of the previous grammar was nonsensical.

Update 3/11/19: Seriously major changes since implementing semantic analysis. Going into code generation, I believe this should be very close to finalized for 0.1.0.

Update 3/13/19: Adding some new features that logically make sense for 0.1.0, but whose absence was not realized until the actually writing of some sailfish code.

Update 3/14/19: Simplified grammar to wrap head around a smaller subset to clean up codebase and ensure all is properly working before moving on.

Update 3/17/19: Version freeze. 0.1.0 Dorsalfin released.

Start := Source 
Source := SourcePart* 

SourcePart := FunctionDefinition | GeneralDecleration | InitialExecutionBody | UserDefinedTypeDefinition

FunctionDefinition := FunctionName FunctionInput FunctionOutput FunctionBody 
FunctionName := 'fun' Identifier 
FunctionInput := '<-' InputList 
FunctionOutput := '->' Output 
FunctionBody := Block 

InputList := Input (',' Input)* 
Input := Variable  
Output := Typename 

GeneralDecleration := 'dec' GeneralDefinition 
GeneralDefinition := NewUDTDefinition | PrimitiveDefinition

NewUDTDefinition := Variable '=' NewExpression 
PrimitiveDefinition := Variable '=' BinaryExpression

Variable := TypeName Identifier 
Typename := Identifier

InitialExecutionBody := 'start' 'Block 

UserDefinedTypeDefinition := 'Cat' UserDefinedTypeAttributes UserDefinedTypeMethods
UserDefinedTypeAttributes := Identifier '{' Variable '}'
UserDefinedTypeMethods := 'Cfn' Identifier '{' FunctionDefinition '}'

Block := '{' Statement* '}' 

Statement := IfStatement | Block | ReturnStatement | GeneralDecleration | BinaryExpression

IfStatement := 'if' GroupingExpression Block 'else' Statement  **Statement can only be a return, block, or if** 
ReturnStatement := 'return' Expression 

BinaryExpression := Exponentiation | MultDivMod | Arithmetic | Comparison | Equivalence | LogicalComparison | Assignment | ExpressionOnlyStatement

Exponentiation := Expression '**' Expression
MultDivMod := Expression ['*' | '/' | '%'] Expression
Arithmetic := Expression ['+' | '-'] Expression
Comparison := Expression ['<', '<=', '>', '>='] Expression
Equivalence := Expression ['!=', '=='] Expression
LogicalComparison := Expression ['and' | 'or'] Expression
Assignment := Expression '=' Expression
FunctionCall := Expression '(' [Identifier] (',' Identifier)*')' 
ExpressionOnlyStatement := Expression

Expression := NewExpression |
              GroupingExpression | 
              UnaryExpression | 

NewExpression := 'new' New 
New := UserDefinedType

GroupingExpression := '|' BinaryExpression '|'

MemberAccess := AttributeAccess | AttributeMethodAccess | MethodAccess
AttributeAccess := Identifier '.' Identifier
AttributeMethodAccess := AttributeAccess '...' Identifier FunctionCall
MethodAccess := Identifier '...' Identifier FunctionCall

UnaryExpression := Negation

Negation := '!' Expression

PrimaryExpression := Primary

Primary := BooleanLiteral | NumberLiteral | StringLiteral | Identifier | MethodAccess | AttributeAccess | FunctionCall

BooleanLiteral := 'true' | 'false'

UserDefinedType := Identifier '{' [UDTitem (',' UDTitem)*] '}'
UDTitem := Identifier : Primary

NumberLiteral := Integer | Decimal 
Integer := [0-9]+ 
Decimal := [0-9]+.[0-9]+ 
StringLiteral := "' ([^"\r\n\] | '\' .)* '"' 
Identifier := [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z_0-9]* 
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