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Steps to run the project

Sai Pavan edited this page Apr 1, 2022 · 5 revisions

Steps to run the project

Cloning the repo

Clone the repository to your local environment by the running the below command in your terminal.

git clone

Now in the directory where you cloned this repository open a terminal and run the following commands

To run frontend

  • cd covid-tracker
  • npm install The npm install command installs the required packages, dependencies and creates a react app.
  • To run the app you can simply execute this command npm start then a local server that hosts the react app is started.

To run backend

Once you have both Go and GCC installed run the following commands in a terminal where you cloned this repository

  • cd api
  • go run .

If you are facing any issues with connections to the backend install this plugin to your chromium browser.

To run cypress testing for frontend

To install cypress on your local environment refer installation page

  • cd covid-tracker
  • npx cypress open

To run unit tests for backend

  • cd api
  • go test