Classifying Contents in DbPedia dataset using a VGG-based network
This repo is related to the classification of DBpedia sentences. DbPedia dataset is a large free access dataset of ontology contents which comprise up more than 630k in 14 categories which namely are: Company, EducationalInstitution, Artist, Athlete, OfficeHolder, MeanOfTransportation, Building, NaturalPlace, Village, Animal, Plant, Album, Film, WrittenWork.
This dataset has been already split into training and test sets. To classify DbPedia contexts, a new VGG-based CNN model has been designed. Since this model is a CNN, we considered each sentence as 1014 characters and converted each sentence to a 1014 ⨉ 16 matrix, leveraging an embedding layer in Tensorflow library. This model managed to classify the test set samples with the accuracy of 94.25 %. This model contains one embedding layer, 9 convolution layers, and three fully-connected layers. The below fig. shows the model architecture:
Python > 3
Tensorflow == 1.15