The business request for project was creating an dashboard for sales manager and providing the overview of sales, overview of customers and over view of products sales. The overview is to be provided for the past three years and allowing the user to modify the filters wrt years and months. The Dashboard should have the KPI and line charts along with the top ten sales for the products and for the customers. An table(Pivot/Matrix) is also required sorted by top total sales, having all the sales data wrt. customer and product. Region in which sales are made would also be nice to have.
The AdventureWorks databases are sample databases that were originally published by Microsoft to show how to design a SQL Server database using SQL Server 2008. AdventureWorksDW is the data warehouse sample.
Note that AdventureWorks has not seen any significant changes since the 2012 version. The only differences between the various versions of AdventureWorks are the name of the database and the database compatibility level.
Data Source:
As the calender and database is relatively old so to update the dates of database the script Update_AdventureWorksDW_Data.sql is used. This script do not modify any other data and only shift the dates by adding the years wrt current year and also adds the dates in theDIM_Dates table which is basically an calender table.
Note: The Microsoft AdventureWorks databases/data being used is under MIT license.
The data was filtered and transformed using SQL for the required tables and latter for the budget a spreadsheet was manually created having the budget values for the last three years.
Following are the SQL queries performed for cleansing and transforming the required data, having excluded fields as comments in the code:
-- SQL Script for cleaning DIM_Date
[FullDateAlternateKey] AS Date,
[EnglishDayNameOfWeek] AS Day,
[EnglishMonthName] AS Month,
LEFT([EnglishMonthName], 3) AS MonthShort, -- Useful for front end date navigation and front end graphs.
[MonthNumberOfYear] AS MonthNo,
[CalendarQuarter] AS Quarter,
[CalendarYear] AS Year
WHERE CalendarYear >=2020
-- SQL Script for cleaning DIM_Customer and left joining it with DIM_Geogrpahy
[FirstName] + ' ' + [LastName] As [FullName],
Case [Gender] when 'M' then 'Male' when 'F' then 'Female' else 'N.A.' end as 'Gender',
Geo.City as [Customer City]
[AdventureWorksDW2022].[dbo].[DimCustomer] as Cust
left join dbo.DimGeography as Geo on Geo.GeographyKey = Cust.GeographyKey
order by
-- SQL Script for cleaning DIM_Products and left join it with DIM_ProductCategory and DIM_ProductSubCategory
[ProductAlternateKey] AS [ProductItemCode],
[EnglishProductName] AS [ProductName],
ProdCat.EnglishProductCategoryName AS [ProductCategory],
ProdSubCat.EnglishProductSubcategoryName AS [ProductSubcategory],
[Color] AS [ProductColor],
[Size] AS [ProductSize],
[ModelName] AS [ProductModel],
[EnglishDescription] AS [ProductDescription],
WHEN [Status] IS NULL THEN 'Outdated'
ELSE [Status]
END AS [ProductStatus]
[AdventureWorksDW2022].[dbo].[DimProduct] AS Prod
dbo.DimProductSubcategory AS ProdSubCat ON Prod.ProductSubcategoryKey = ProdSubCat.ProductSubcategoryKey
dbo.DimProductCategory AS ProdCat ON ProdCat.ProductCategoryKey = ProdSubCat.ProductCategoryKey
ProductKey ASC;
SQL script for Fact_InternetSales
-- SQL Script for cleaning Fact_InternetSales
FROM [AdventureWorksDW2022].[dbo].[FactInternetSales]
WHERE LEFT(OrderDateKey, 4) >= YEAR(GETDATE()) - 2 -- Taking into account only the last two years
ORDER BY OrderDateKey ASC;
Below is Model view of the dat after importing it into Power BI.
The three created sales management dashboards are shown below.
Click here to download the PowerBI file.