Monero, Monero-Core and AEON Homebrew formulas.
Add this tap: brew tap sammy007/cryptonight
NOTE: As of now, there is a monero formula which installs an older version.
To prioritize this tap, run brew tap-pin sammy007/cryptonight
before installation.
Install latest stable release: brew install monero
Install from git master
branch: brew install --HEAD -v monero
brew install monero-core --HEAD
to /Applications
brew linkapps monero-core
brew install aeon
XMR: 45pyCXYn2UBVUmCFjgKr7LF8hCTeGwucWJ2xni7qrbj6GgAZBFY6tANarozZx9DaQqHyuR1AL8HJbRmqwLhUaDpKJW4hqS1
AEON: WmsydZEeWrSCWCftoSNZF42EzCbkYhSgSZmGVC5QdJB78DFJEQ1XZTcWchV1dVnpHd2m7TjoGHwb5627nc2yVqEe1JSj4Q9q4