A test helper to instantiate a full headless TerasologyEngine instance
Just write a test class that extends ModuleTestingEnvironment
For complete docs please see the documentation on Github Pages
For more examples see the test suite
Here's an example taken from the test suite:
public class MyModuleEngineTest extends ModuleTestingEnvironment {
protected Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyModuleEngineTest.class.getName());
protected EntityManager entityManager;
public Set<String> getDependencies() {
return Sets.newHashSet("MyModule");
public String getWorldGeneratorUri() {
return "mymodule:mymodulesworldgenerator";
public void beforeMyModuleTests() {
entityManager = getHostContext().get(EntityManager.class);
runUntil(()-> getHostContext().get(MyModuleReadySystem.class).isMyModuleReady());
public void testExample() {
WorldProvider worldProvider = getHostContext().get(WorldProvider.class);
BlockManager blockManager = getHostContext().get(BlockManager.class);
// create some clients (the library connects them automatically)
Context clientContext1 = createClient();
Context clientContext2 = createClient();
// assert that both clients are known to the server
EntityManager hostEntityManager = getHostContext().get(EntityManager.class);
List<EntityRef> clientEntities = Lists.newArrayList(hostEntityManager.getEntitiesWith(ClientComponent.class));
Assert.assertEquals(2, clientEntities.size());
// send an event to a client's local player just for fun
clientContext1.get(LocalPlayer.class).getClientEntity().send(new ResetCameraEvent());
// wait for a chunk to be generated
// set a block's type and immediately read it back
worldProvider.setBlock(Vector3i.zero(), blockManager.getBlock("engine:air"));
Assert.assertEquals("engine:air", worldProvider.getBlock(Vector3f.zero()).getURI().toString());
You can use a TestEventReceiver
to inspect events fired against the engine context.
TestEventReceiver receiver = new TestEventReceiver<>(context, DropItemEvent.class, (event, entity) -> {
// do something with the event or entity
Check the JavaDoc and test suite for more usage examples.