This is a incomplete work, so there has a lot os unplemented packets, please let work to finish it.
This server will run inside a docker container. To setup your development build please fallow this steps:
1 - There has a Makefile file, if want to use this shortcut file, you must install Makefile. (Please open Makefile and take a look on commands)
#install make
sudo apt-get install makefile
2 - If you won't use makefile, please don't forget to make a copy of .env.example as .env before run containers.
3 - Run make commands to up, down or recreate containers
#create a copy from .env.example and setup containers
make init
#turn containers down
make down
#turn containers up
make up
#restart containers
make restart
#show server logs
make logs
#show database logs
make logs-db
username: temp
password: 1234
Don't worry about database, it will be created automatically.
#Docker version
docker version 23.0.1
#Docker compose version
docker-compose version 1.29.2
- Database can be changed in .env file
- Database expose port 5055, if you need connect use this port
名前空間 | Namespace | 概要 | Description |
RedStoneEmu.Database | Entity Data Model & DBContext |
RedStoneEmu.Model | In-game abstractions |
RedStoneEmu.NetWork | TCP/IP communication |
RedStoneEmu.Packet | Packet handlers and outgoing packets |