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Various shallow and deep learning methods for postoperative complication risk prediction.

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This repository contains the source code for various approaches that can used for postoperative complication prediction.


In brief, there are two approaches:

  1. prediction classifiers are learnt end to end in a supervised manner using different combination of data modalities,
  2. first a self supervised representation of a data modality such as time series is learnt followed by a supervised classifier on the learnt representation.

In clinical prediction setup, access to the data modalities can vary and need not be available for all the patients. Some of the common data modalities observed in Electronic Health Records are as follows: preoperative assessment, free text about surgical procedure, past medical history, home medications and problem list, intraoperative flowsheets, intraoperative medications, ICD codes (postoperatively). Our task of interest (outcome) is predicting post-operative complications such as 30-day inhospital mortality, unplanned ICU admission, Acute Kidney Injury. These labels are retrospectively created by experts or extracted from the hospital billing data.

Based on varying algorithm complexity the approaches mentioned can be explained below:

  1. A prediction classifier that uses the data that is available prior to the start of surgery. As this data exists in tabular form or can be converted in tabular (text embeddings), training a shallow classifier using XGBoost or Logistic Regression is the first and most straightforward approach. Recently, more complex and high capacity learners such as transformers are also available for tabular data.

  2. A prediction classifier that uses all the data that is available until the end of surgery. This method needs special techniques to learn from the intraoperative time series data. One can use LSTMs, attention mechanism or Transformer architecture along with feed forward networks for the tabular data and train them jointly. End to End Architecture

  3. A prediction classifier that uses all the data that is available retrospectively (including the outcomes) for self supervised learning (commonly known as pretraining) and using everything before the end of surgery for training the classifiers. One can use many of the techniques currently available for pretraining including contrastive learning for the first stage of representation learning. For the second stage of classifier learning, even training a shallow classifier suffices sometimes. MVCL Architecture


Detailed description about the directory structure, input, output and other information is available in the

1) Data and Architecture adaptation format

For end-to-end supervised setup binary classification Code is available in End_to_end_supervised/

  1. Prepares the preoperative data including one hot encoding, missingness imputation, normalization and saves the metadata into json. Also, creates the train test partitioning on the dataset.
  2. For dense flowsheets, we first create a separate dataframe consisting of the first values for each patient and measure index. Next, we take diff of the original dataframe and append the first value dataframe to the diffed dataframe. This will return the original data with LOCF imputation after taking a torch.cumsum(tensor.to_dense()). For other labs, we append the preop based first value estimate and then take diff. The cumsum(to_dense) operation is performed at the batch level in the collate function.
  3. Trains an XGBT model on data available before the surgery starts. Has a bestModel argument that runs on the best setup from HP tuning file
  4. Jointly trains a deep model (LSTM/Transformer) using all the data modalities available at the end of surgery. Has a bestModel argument that reads the best HP setup and runs the final model.
  5. Contains various deep learning architectures in the model class format that are callable in the file.
  6. Used for hyperparameter tuning using Optuna as an off the shelf method. Similar functionalities are but in the context of hyper parameter tuning. Currently, the best trial is not saved and the inbuilt storage of optuna is not used (for future).
  7. Mostly, same as but used during hp tuning. Could be removed in future.
  8. Bash file that runs the hp tuning file for different modality ablations and with different random seeds.
  9. Uses only the summary of the time series. For flowsheets, for a fixed patient and measure index, mean, standard deviation, 20 and 80 percentile are used as summaries. For medications, each medication unit combination is treated as a feature with total combination dose as the feature value. These summaries are in a tabular format and devoid of time dimension so they are used to train a XGBT model.
  10. : Used for HP tuning in the time series summary setup.
  11. Bash file to run the time series summary code. Input argument is task/outcome.
  12. Tabnet implementation on the preoperative stage modalities trained in a supervised manner. It has a bestModel argument which when selected will read the HP tuned result files and retrain the models on the train+validation set of dataset. It also saves the models and performance metrics and prediction values on the common test set across all ablations and all 5 repetitions. This model doesn't use 'case year' variable because the categorical variables' levels are saved as a dict to be used when validating on external dataset and time changes!
  13. Used for Tabnet HP tuning using Optuna.
  14. Bash file that runs Tabnet HP tuning file for different preoperative stage modalities with different random seeds.
  15. Jointly trains a deep model (LSTM/Transformer) using all the data modalities available at the end of surgery from combined dataset from MetaVision and Epic era. Has a bestModel argument that reads the best HP setup and runs the final model. The Sex variable mapping is made consistent at the start of the code. Missingness masks are by default set to True.

For two stage self-supervised setup binary classification Currently, for time series code for TS2Vec is being used, for tabular preops and cbow SCARF method's code is being used, and for the outcomes there is only a projection head.

Code is available in Two_stage_selfsupervised/

  1. Calls for representation learning using all the modalities that are specified in the arguments. Once trained, calls to perform the downstream task or evaluate the learnt representation. It has a bestModel argument which when selected will read the HP tuned result files and retrain the models on the train+validation set of dataset. It also saves the models and performance metrics and prediction values on the common test set across all ablations and all 5 repetitions. The best Hp is from the all modalities (including alerts and postop complications) being used in representation learning step. The same best setup is used for all ablation cases too. The model name for this setup is MVCL.
  2. This is the data processing file for Multiview CL method. If running inside a docker container, please add sys.path.append("\codes") to have the code access to the parent directory.
  3. SCARF implementation on the preoperative stage modalities to learn self supervised representation which is fed to an XGBT learner. It has a bestModel argument which when selected will read the HP tuned result files and retrain the models on the train+validation set of dataset. It also saves the models and performance metrics and prediction values on the common test set across all ablations and all 5 repetitions.
  4. Used for Scarf HP tuning using Optuna.
  5. Bash file that runs Scarf HP tuning file for different preoperative stage modalities with different random seeds. This one exposes the cuda device 1. Will need to be changed later to make it generalizable.

Time validation of the trained models

  1. This file takes the modality to be used and reads all the best models and validates them on wave2 (another time duration than the training one) dataset.
  2. : This file takes the modality to be used and reads all the best models and validates them on wave2. Currently works for XGBTtimeseries summary models. #Todo fix for LSTM and MVCL.

Result compilation

  1. Result_compiler.ipynb : Reads the pickle files that have best results for all ablations saved and takes the average and saves it all in a table.

2) Requirements and implementation

One can use the requirements.txt to install the dependencies. One can also run the codes inside a docker container using the docker121720/pytorch-for-ts:1.25 image. Optuna will be needed if you are running the HP tuning file directly.

Example for end-to-end supervised setup binary classification

docker run --rm --gpus all --privileged -v '< /PATH TO THE INPUT DATA/ >:/input/' -v '< /PATH TO THE SCRIPTS/ >:/codes/' -v '< /PATH TO THE SAVING THE OUTPUT RESULTS/ >:/output/' docker121720/pytorch-for-ts:1.25 python /codes/ --nameinfo="testing_Full_fixed_seed_withmaskOversamplingEarlyStoppingLR" --outputcsv="test_binary_outcomes.csv" --task='icu' --preopsDepth=6 --preopsWidth=20 --preopsWidthFinal=16 --bowDepth=5 --bowWidth=90 --bowWidthFinal=20 --lstmMedEmbDim=16 --lstmMedDepth=4 --lstmMedWidth=40 --lstmFlowDepth=4 --lstmFlowWidth=40 --LRPatience=3 --batchSize=120 --lstmMedDrop=0.1212 --lstmFlowDrop=0.0165 --finalDrop=0.3001 --learningRate=0.0002 --learningRateFactor=0.2482 --preopsL2=0.0004 --preopsL1=0.0029 --bowL2=0.0003 --bowL1=0.0042 --lstmMedL2=0.0003 --lstmFlowL2=0.0009 --randomSeed=350 --includeMissingnessMasks --overSampling

Example for two stage self-supervised setup binary classification

docker run --rm --gpus all --privileged -v '< /PATH TO THE INPUT DATA/ >:/input/' -v '< /PATH TO THE SCRIPTS/ >:/codes/' -v '< /PATH TO THE SAVING THE OUTPUT RESULTS/ >:/output/' docker121720/pytorch-for-ts:1.25 python /codes/ Flowsheets F_output --eval --outcome=icu

Based on the other available modalities, following can be added or removed --preops --meds --alerts --pmh --problist --homemeds --postopcomp to the argument list.

Further, if one is interested in using only the preops to train the model, i.e., no contrastive learning, one can add --withoutCL to the arguments.

By default, for the downstream classification task (when --eval is True), all modalitites are used in their original form except time series for which the learnt representation is used. If you are interested in using the learnt representation for preop modalities too, add --all_rep to the argument list.

3) Hyperparameter tuning is used to create a sobol grid and writes them in a format that can be submitted on a high performance computing server. It creates a file that can be launched using bash directly. This was being used early for all methods. Currently, this is being used in the MVCL setup only. For other methods, optuna based files are used for HP tuning as described above.


Various shallow and deep learning methods for postoperative complication risk prediction.






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