a1111 sd WebUI extention version of ZoeDepth
This is only moving this demo to WEBUI tab
For now it is the easist way to generate 3D inside WEBUI.
You can print screen another angle, genarate new image with i2i.
Update 2023/3/14
Made a Download button for glb file
Console will show where it was saved at your local temp
Try to free memory but cannot find where the VRAMs was taken,reduced a little, actually no OOM for me.
Tried OBJ format, but no colors (sad
Might work well with sd 3dmodel loader
Until Trimesh have other color format go to 3D software,
I think I will leave this "As is" for now,
using it the "2D" way.
Maybe try lot of gap inpaint and create a NERF from one image?
Don't know will it work or not.
I will try to improve it when I have time!