Gyroscopic Retrospective is a remote tool to help conduct sprint retrospectives. It simplifies the collection of feedback from team members and facilitates collaboration and communication. Gyroscopic Retrospective makes it easy to maintain an asynchronous workflow. It allows users to assign tasks to other team members, add team members to projects, and monitor deadlines. It is very useful as a to-do list or calendar for strategic planning.
To run this project the user must have the following installed
The repo can be cloned by typing the following
git clone
The user must make sure that all the dependencies have been downloaded onto the system to run the files, the user can do this by finding the root of the folder and typing the following
npm i
To run the program simply find the root of the folder and type the following
node app.js
Automated email delivery for team invitations and password recovery uses SendGrid. The custom templates as well as the basic instructions needed to use these features can be found under the SendGrid Templates directory
A good place to learn the different functionalities of the project and how to make the most of the project can be explored in the User Guide
Summary poster.
Complete project summary.
Various tests of user stories.
Collection of git logs.
Here is a list of all the dependencies that have been used in the project
- @sendgrid/mail: v7.6.2
- bcrypt: v5.0.1
- connect-flash: v0.1.1
- cookie-parser: v1.4.6
- ejs: v3.1.6
- ejs-mate: v3.0.0
- express: v4.17.2
- express-session: v1.17.2
- joi: v17.6.0
- jsonwebtoken: v8.5.1
- method-override: v3.0.0
- mongoose: v6.1.2
- morgan: v1.10.0
- passport: v0.5.2
- passport-local: v1.0.0
- passport-local-mongoose: v6.1.0
- v4.4.1
EJS Template
Node JS - Express