#This project is mainly used to generate the receipt of any shop (or) super market. It can used in various applications such as book shop, fruit shop, super market. It is build using the simple syntax.
from prettytable import PrettyTable
print('--------------WELCOME TO Happy Shop--------------\n') table = PrettyTable(['Item Name', 'Item Price']) total = 0
while (1): name = input('Enter Item name:')
# 'q' to exit and print the table
if (name != 'q'):
price = int(input('Enter the Price:'))
# store all the prices in 'total'
total += price
table.add_row([name, price])
elif (name == 'q'):
table.add_row(['TOTAL', total]) print(table) print('\nThanks for shopping with us :)') print('Your total bill amount is ', total, '/-')