It takes all the clips or video of the specified format and renames in desired fashion and moves the corresponging file into a folder created with the same name as of the file. Here it converts the video into frames according to the desired fps and name format.
Conversion of heap of clips to frames is a hectic process as it involves renaming them and moving them into proper named folders and then convert them into frames. To automate this process, this script does your job.
- The script takes care of the naming convention for all the scipts placed within the folder. It creates a sequece of folders correponding to the file it renames.
- It converts the renamed and moved file to frames according to the input fed by the user. * You can sit back and relax as the script converts all you clips to frames
-> Place the clips with their origial conventional name within the bash scripts directory -> open a terminal and type "./" * If the permission is denied : chmod +x
- Convert the frames to .npy format
- provide the pattern for the naming of the files
This was an hobby project created for personnel use. More coming up.
-Happy coding