Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Hawaii at Manoa
I an ecologist and data scientist with extensive experience and expertise in quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Highly skilled in leading and collaborating with diverse teams and stakeholders, I am passionate about using data-driven decision making to enhance conservation efforts, sustainability and livelihoods, as well as organizational efficiency and improve predictive capabilities for future strategic planning
R, SQL, QGIS, beginner Python
Bayesian statistics | Machine learning | Spatial analysis | Remote Sensing | Business descriptive & inferential statistics | Hypothesis testing | Advance statistical modeling | Cluster analysis | ANOVA & ANCOVA | Regression | Network analysis | Factor analysis | Data mining | Data wrangling | Data visualization
- Focusing on exploring various types of meta-analysis approaches with coding in R
- Developing statistical models, data processing and extraction, and data analysis and publishing scientific papers
Responsibilities: Supervise graduate students
Postdoctoral Researcher | ICRAF East & Central Asia | Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS | 2021 - 2023
Responsibilities: Developing data analysis protocol | Data management | Data analysis | Writing and publishing scientific papers | International collaborations
Responsibilities: Leading Biophysical surveys | Data management | Developing database | Developing data analysis protocols | Plant identification
Responsibilities: Logistics | Co-supervise the team | Irrigation site survey | Working with the local community
Database developer | Institude Rcherche pour le Developpement au Laos & National University of Laos | 2010 – 2011.
- Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry - Laos | May - July 2011
- Japan Volunteer Research Centre - Laos | Jan - Aug 2011
- Earth Systems Laos | Sept 2010 – March 2011 Responsibilities: Leading biodiversity & socio-economic surveys | Data management | Data analysis | Writing report
- University of Copenhagen, Denmark | Sept 2009 – Jan 2010
- Leiden University, Netherlands | Jan 2009
Developing Hawaiian plant functional traits database and characterizing how plant functional traits vary with environmental conditions under climate change
- Cooper, D. (2024). Consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities. Nature 20–24.
- Satdichanh, M. (2023). Drivers of soil organic carbon stock during tropical forest succession. Journal of Ecology, April, 1–13.
- Muscarella, R. (2020). The global abundance of tree palms. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29(9), 1495–1514.
- Satdichanh, M.,(2019). Phylogenetic diversity correlated with above‐ground biomass production during forest succession: Evidence from tropical forests in Southeast Asia. Journal of Ecology, 107(3), 1419–1432.
- Satdichanh, M. (2018) Using Plant Functional Traits and Phylogenies to Understand Patterns of Plant Community Assembly in a Seasonal Tropical Forest in Lao PDR. Zang R, editor.
- Slik, JWF. (2015) An estimate of the number of tropical tree species. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2015; 112: 7472– 7477. doi:10.1073/pnas.1423147112.
- Satdichanh M, Millet J, Heinimann A, Nanthavong K, Harrison RD. Tree distribution in Phou Khao Khoauy National Park, Laos. 2015;44. doi:10.16473/j.cnki.xblykx1972.20