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My Dotfiles

built with nix

This config assumes that you have the Nix Package Manager and home-manager installed on your system and the git, curl, zip and unzip avaliable in your PATH

Getting started

Please make a backup of your home-manager config file located in ~/.config/home-manager and remove the original file named home.nix because the script will symlink my config to that exact file.

After removing your original home-manager config file, you can run


This script will also download doomemacs and SDKMAN.

What is included?

  • zsh is the default shell with some aliases and using zinit as the plugin manager.
  • tmux with 'a few' plugins
  • my neovim config
  • emacs-git (currently uncommented)
    • Use emacs-git when you want the latest build, else use emacs if you don't want to compile emacs from source.
  • Doom Emacs as the emacs distro used.
  • my git config. Please update it to your name and email.
  • modified oh-my-posh prompt to not show the git repo status since it would lag the hell out of my prompt.
  • SDKMAN configured for use
  • Firefox Nightly

What you kinda need to do yourself

  • my KDE config

My "special" configs

The Prompt

My Prompt based on the half-life design, but with other colors. And there should be a snowflake symbol.



  • LuaLine
  • lazy-lsp
  • Nord color scheme
  • nvim-telescope
  • neo-tree
  • which-key
  • neogit
  • barbar
  • automkdir
  • cheatsheet.nvim
  • alpha-nvim dashboard
  • JABS.nvim
  • oil.nvim
  • usage-tracker


  • Leader is ; (also openes which-key)
  • NeoTree can be toggled with ; x
  • Telescope Bindings
    • ; ff to find files
    • ; fg to do live grep
    • ; fb to search the opened buffers
    • ; fh to search help tags (no idea what that is)

Other Configs

vim.o.number = true -- show line numbers


Alias original command
ll lsd -Al
ls lsd
update sudo nixos-rebuild switch; nix store gc
update-home home-manager switch; nix store gc
cls clear
fzf fzf --preview='cat {}'
cd z
emacs emacs -nw
doom ~/.config/emacs/bin/doom
rsync rsync --progress