scientific-python-hugo-theme 0.12
We're happy to announce the release of scientific-python-hugo-theme 0.12!
- Add include-code shortcode (#502).
- Add author profiles (#503).
- Add image shortcode (#505).
- Add include shortcode (#506).
- Use toml for grids (#509).
- Add file option to grid shortcode (#511).
- Support grid items and cards (#512).
- Add grid outline option (#513).
- Use grid of cards for team gallery (#510).
- Add field list shortcode and partial (#515).
- Update image and grid shortcodes (#520).
- Add sidebar (#526).
- Use PST colors for backtotop (#524).
Bug Fixes
- Add atom xml feed as subtheme (#497).
- Fix blog build (#495).
- Update hugo (#494).
- Remove panel (#498).
- Remove keyfeatures (#499).
- Update hugo (#500).
- Update mermaid (#501).
- Move icon styling out of bulma (#514).
- Update requirements (#516).
- Hide deprecated shortcodes (#517).
- Update hugo (#518).
- Add back image-default (#519).
- Separate hero css (#521).
- Separate backtotop css (#523).
- Remove level css (#525).
- Update hugo (#527).
2 authors added to this release (alphabetically):
- Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman)
- Stefan van der Walt (@stefanv)
2 reviewers added to this release (alphabetically):
- Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman)
- Stefan van der Walt (@stefanv)
These lists are automatically generated, and may not be complete or may contain duplicates.