scientific-python-hugo-theme 0.20
We're happy to announce the release of scientific-python-hugo-theme 0.20!
- Add Pagefind Search (#615).
- Correctly convert spaces in tags to dashes (#637).
- Update PST styling (#642).
Bug Fixes
- Update hugo (0.134.3) (#640).
- Update font-awesome (6.6.0) (#643).
- Update mermaid (10.9.2) (#645).
- Update pre-commit (#646).
3 authors added to this release (alphabetically):
- Brian Hawthorne (@brianhawthorne)
- Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman)
- Stefan van der Walt (@stefanv)
3 reviewers added to this release (alphabetically):
- Brian Hawthorne (@brianhawthorne)
- Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman)
- Stefan van der Walt (@stefanv)
These lists are automatically generated, and may not be complete or may contain duplicates.