Click here to see it in action
For those who are less familiar with the core idea of werewolves here is a link.
This version of werewolves is more complex for the moderator, so this app is designed to help the moderator manage the game.
- Each person playing the game gets a unique character card
- Each unique character can change the order, and complexity of the moderator's job.
- In the original game of werewolves there are only two teams. This version has several characters that are part of a different team, thus causing some games to have a third team (in practice). In theory you could have more than 8 teams.
This is where a moderator selects each moderator card necessary to play the game. Some characters have multiple cards, and some don't have any cards.
Card selection should be based on characters, not the moderators cards
Some moderator cards are part of the base game and will be included for every game. They can not be discarded. Any other cards selected during the setup phase will be part of these active cards. They can be discarded.
The game is pretty simple at this point. The moderator
- Reads the text on the card
- Takes any necessary actions (discarding cards, interacting with the group, etc)
- Presses the next arrow to go to the next card.
This process is repeated until the round is finished and the 'Next Day' button appears.
When you click on the 'Next Day' button the following occurs
- Any cards flagged for discard are added to the discard pile
- The round number is increased
- The steps are reset to 1
- The game proceeds by the moderator taking the 3 steps listed above again.
After round 1 and if any cards were discarded, they are added to the 'Discard Pile'. Cards can be retrieved from the discard pile at any time by:
- Clicking the menu to open the discard pile
- Clicking any card to be retrieved. When clicked it will be added back to the game
To start a new game, simply navigate back to the 'Setup' tab and select the necessary cards to play.