Notes on use:
There are two scripts that should do everything necessary to test the program:
./ : This script compliles the raytracer.
run - compliles the executable using a previously generated make file,
then runs the raytracer on a single input file. the options it specifies are:
-v -f ../rdlFiles/multilights.rdl --width 1024 --height 768 -o test.png"
-v - for verbose mode
-f ../rdlFiles/multilights.rdl - specifies the input file
--width 1024 - sets the width of the output file
--height 768 - sets the height of the output file
-0 test.png - specifies the base filename for the output
./ run
rebuild - completely rebuilds the project, but does not execute it. if the project is already compiled,
this will delete the build directory, then rebuild
./ rebuild
clean - deletes the build/output directory
./ clean
./ : This script runs the raytracer using all .rdl files found in the rdlFiles directory. generated PNGs are located in "output/generated/" in the format cameraName.baseFileName.rdl.png
Note that this process will take a really long time, particularly if there are a number of rdl files,
or if they are complex. Also note that there is not a good way as of yet to apply transformations to an
instanced shape without changing the source code. I've added a couple scale transformations to the sphereInstance.cpp
file as an example. Uncomment line 22 OR 23 to test this. Note that this will require a rebuild.