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This service is used on the informational sites to provide housing data and services.

This application provides endpoints for:

  • Rent pressure Zone information for a postcode and date.
  • Support for generating Model Tenancy PDF's


  • port

    • The port number to listen on for HTTP requests.
    • Type: integer (0-65535)
    • Default: 8096
  • geosearch

    • Base URI of Geosearch service
    • Type: URI
    • Default: http://localhost:9092/
  • aspose_license

    • path of aspose license file
    • Type: File
    • Default: (none)
  • cpiGracePeriod

    • grace period to use when determining of the CPi data has expired.
    • Type ISO 8601 Duration
    • Default: PT12H
  • cpiDataURI

    • URI to use to fetch CPI data
    • Type: URI
    • Default: http://localhost:9200/housing-data/_doc/cpi/_source
  • recaptcha_enabled

    • should we check the recaptcha sent by the client. Diabling this is useful when testing the api through postman.
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: true
  • recaptcha_secret

    • secret used when verifying recaptcha key from cleint
    • Type: string
    • Default: (none)


The healthcheck endpoint is GET /health. The endpoint returns a JSON response with the properties listed below. The status code is 200 if the service is healthy, and 503 otherwise.

  • geosearch
    • Indicates whether the Geosearch service is available and reporting healthy.
    • Type: boolean
  • license
    • Indicates whether the Aspose Words license is configured and valid.
    • Type: boolean
  • cpi
    • Indicates whether up to date CPI data is available.
    • Type: boolean
  • message
    • If present, a status message to be shown if the service is healthy.
    • Type: string
  • warnings
    • If present, indicates issues that may affect service availability.
    • Type: array of strings
  • errors
    • If present, indicates reasons that the service is unhealthy.
    • Type: array of strings
  • data
    • Indicates .
    • Type: object
    • Properties:
      • licenseExpires
        • Indicates the date the Aspose Words license expires.
        • Type: string (yyyy-mm-dd)
      • daysUntilExpiry
        • Indicates the number of days until the Aspose Words license expires.
        • Type: number
      • cpiReleaseDate
        • The date that the current cpi data was released
        • Type string
      • cpiNextReleaseDate
        • The date that the next scheduled update of cpi data is due.
        • Type string

The /health endpoint supports the following optional parameters:

  • licenseDays
    • Return a warning if the Aspose Words will expire within this number of days.
    • Type: integer


GET /rpz?postcode=<postcode>&date=<date>

The postcode parameter should be a valid Scottish postcode. The date should be in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

Returns the rent pressure zone information for a given postcode. Example results: { "validPostcode": true, "scottishPostcode": true, "inRentPressureZone": true, "rentPressureZoneTitle": "Stockbridge, Edinburgh" "maxIncrease": 1.5 }

GET /modeltenancy/template

Returns a template model tenancy JSON document. This will include default values for conditional terms.

POST /modeltenancy?type=<PDF|WORD>

Returns a filled out model tenancy PDF for the model tenancy documents returned to it, or a list of validations errors of the tenancy is not valid. The type param can be used to specify wether to return a PDF or a WORD document (docx). Type will default to PDF.

'GET /postcode/address-lookup?postcode='

Returns the addresses for this postcode. The postcode parameter is case insensitive and postcodes with or without spaces in them are recognised. So the following parameter values will all return the same results: EH104AX, EH10 4AX, eh104ax, eh10 4ax. The postcode returned will be in the normalised for, i.e. EH10 4AX

The results property will contains a list of addresses for that postcode.

Example results: { "results": [ "uprn": "906169837", "building": "", "org": "", "street": "145 MORNINGSIDE ROAD", "locality": "", "town": "EDINBURGH", "postcode": "EH10 4AX" ] }