- This plug-in sends alert messages generated from the server to the line messenger specific group or chat room.
- Currently supported types of Alert are as follows
- All alert occurred from agents.
- on exceeding CPU threshold of Host agent(warning / fatal)
- on exceeding Memory threshold of Host agent (warning / fatal)
- on exceeding Disk usage threshold of Host agent (warning / fatal)
- agent's connection
- agent's disconnection
- agent's reconnection
- on exceeding service response time
- ...
- All alert occurred from agents.
ext_plugin_line_send_alert : use alert to a line messenger feature or not (true / false) - default false
ext_plugin_line_debug : debug logging option - default false
ext_plugin_line_level : alert level to send (0 : INFO, 1 : WARN, 2 : ERROR, 3 : FATAL) - default 0
# External Interface (Line)
- Project
- scouter.common
- scouter.server
- Library
- commons-codec-1.9.jar
- commons-logging-1.2.jar
- gson-2.6.2.jar
- httpclient-4.5.2.jar
- httpcore-4.4.4.jar
mvn clean package
- copy scouter-plugin-server-alert-line-notify-xxx.jar and all dependent libraries(exclude scouter.server and scouter.commong) to lib directory of scouter server home.