Can't run your local secret environment because you're on M1, or too lazy to install docker? We got your back!
The environment will automatically start with localsecret, and it exposes the ports for application development. Specifically -
- 26657 - RPC
- 1317 - LCD/Rest Gateway
- 9090 - GRPC
- 9091 - GRPC-Web
- 5000 - LocalSecret faucet
To connect, prepend the port number with the gitpod url. e.g. if my workspace is at
then I would be able
to connect to the LCD service at
To configure SecretCLI you'll want to use:
secretcli config node ``
secretcli config chain-id secret-testnet-1
We also recommend for ease of use while testing
secretcli config keyring-backend test
secretcli config output json
This environment also comes with all the dependencies you need to develop Secret Contracts, and SecretCLI.
To make the most out of the environment, you can switch between two views:
- LocalSecret will provide the logs from the running secretd node, which can be helpful when testing and debugging contracts.
- Terminal can allow you to execute secretcli commands or clone a repository.
Switching between the views can be done here:
Secret IDE is an awesome tool, that sets up a Jetbrains IDE in the browser for you, with amazing templates to start from. However, it does not include the LocalSecret environment. This is mainly where this Gitpod container comes in handy, mainly for users that either:
- Are on M1, and cannot run LocalSecret locally
- Cannot, or don't want to install docker just to play with a contract
- Simply prefer the interface of VSCode to that of Jetbrains