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My self-coded portfolio website built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS.


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Zeke Zhang Portfolio Website


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My architectural design portfolio website built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS, showcasing a range of projects and skills in a clean, minimalistic manor. It is fully responsive across all devices.

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🌟 Features

  • Responsive Design: Works smoothly on mobile, tablet, and desktop.
  • Customizable Content: Easy to modify content to display your own projects and profile. (See Managing Content. This feature is still in development)
  • SEO Optimized: Includes metadata setup for SEO.

πŸ“‹ Using This Repository

Feel free to use this codebase as a template for your own portfolio. If you do, please credit the original author, @sean1832.

  • 🌟 Star this repository if you find it useful!
  • πŸ’‘ Fork this repository to begin using it as a base for your own project.

πŸ› οΈ Technologies Stack

  • Next.js - The React framework for production.
  • Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework.
  • Node.js - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • Shadcn UI - A UI component library for React.
  • JSON Schema - Validator for JSON documents.
  • Vercel - Platform for frontend frameworks and static sites.

πŸš€ Getting Started


Ensure you have Node.js and git installed on your machine.


Clone the repository and install dependencies:

git clone
cd portfolio
npm install .

Running Locally

Build and run the project:

npm run build
npm run start

πŸ›  Managing Content

Currently the content is stored in ./data folder. You can modify the content in the following files:

filename description
projects.json Featured projects information
profile.json Personal profile information
manifest.json Site manifest information

Site Metadata

You can modify the site metadata in the ./src/app/layout.js file. The metadata includes the site title, description, and social media links.

Show Example
export const metadata = {
  metadataBase: new URL(""), // Your site URL
  title: {
    default: "Zeke Zhang", // Default title
    template: "%s | Zeke Zhang", // Template title, %s will be replaced with the page title
    "Melbourne based designer and researcher specializing machine learning, algorithmic design, and low-tech assembly craft in architecture.",
  icons: {
    icon: ["/favicon.ico?v=4"], // Favicon
    apple: ["/apple-touch-icon.png?v=4"], // Apple touch icon
    shortcut: ["/apple-touch-icon.png"], // Shortcut icon
  keywords: [
    "Low-tech assembly craft",
    "Autonomos Material Reconstruction",
    "machine learning",
    "algorithmic design",
    "diffusion tectonics",
  creator: "Zeke Zhang", // Website creator
  manifest: "/site.webmanifest", // Path to site manifest
  authors: [{ name: "Zeke Zhang" }], // Website authors
  openGraph: {
    title: {
      default: "Zeke Zhang | Intelligent Synthesis", // Default title
      template: "Zeke Zhang | %s", // Template title, %s will be replaced with the page title
    images: ["/opengraph-image.jpg"], // Open graph images
      "Melbourne based designer and researcher specializing machine learning, algorithmic design, and low-tech assembly craft in architecture.",
    type: "website", // Open graph type
    locale: "en_US", // Open graph locale
    url: "", // Website URL
    siteName: "Zeke Zhang", // Website name

Managing Projects

The projects.json file located in the ./data directory plays a key role in managing the projects showcased on your portfolio website. Here's an in-depth guide on how to effectively update and manage this file.

Structure of projects.json

The JSON file is structured as an array of objects, each representing a project. Below is a detailed description of each field within a project object:

- projects (array of objects, required)
    - id (string, required)
    - name (string, required)
    - type (string, required)
      - Enum: ["Design Studio", "International Competition", "Design Studio / Research", "Research", "Research Assistanship"]
    - year (string, required)
    - description (string, required)
    - longDescription (string, required)
    - location (object, required)
      - name (string, required)
      - url (string, optional)
    - group (array of strings, optional)
    - awards (array of objects, optional)
          - name (string, required)
          - url (string, optional)
          - img (string, optional)
    - publications (array of objects, optional)
          - name (string, required)
          - url (string, required)
          - img (string, optional)
    - gallery (object, required)
      - className (string, required)
    - tutors (array of objects, optional)
          - name (string, required)
          - url (string, required)
    - mediaContainer (object, required)
      - className (string, optional)
      - media (array of objects, optional)
            - src (string, optional)
            - alt (string, optional)
            - className (string, optional)
            - credit (object, optional)
              - text (string, optional)
              - url (string, optional)
              - isButton (boolean, optional)
            - sizes (string, optional)
            - caption (object, optional)
              - text (string, optional)
              - isExpose (boolean, optional)
            - blurDataURL (string, optional)
            - isHero (boolean, optional)
            - isAdaptive (boolean, optional)
            - isCarousel (boolean, optional)
            - isExternal (boolean, optional)
            - isInverted (boolean, optional)
            - isVideo (boolean, optional)


  • The schema uses draft-07 of JSON Schema.
  • Additional properties are not allowed in the project objects.
  • The location, gallery, and mediaContainer objects are required for each project.

Adding a New Project

To add a new project, simply append a new object to the array in projects.json using the schema provided above. Ensure all required fields are included to maintain site functionality.

Managing Profile Information

Profile information is managed through the profile.json file located in the ./data directory. This file is structured as a single JSON object representing your personal or professional profile.

Structure of profile.json

Here’s what each field should contain:

πŸ—οΈ Structure

- Profile object
  - name (string, required)
    - Description: A brief description of yourself.
  - about (string, required)
    - Description: A brief description of yourself.
  - image (object, optional)
    - src (string, required)
    - alt (string, optional)
  - keywords (array of strings, required)
  - slogan (string, required)
  - social (object, required)
    - instagram (string, optional)
      - Format: URI
    - github (string, optional)
      - Format: URI
    - youtube (string, optional)
      - Format: URI
  - contact (object, required)
    - email (string, optional)
      - Format: email
    - phone (string, optional)


  • The schema defines a single object with multiple properties.
  • Required fields: name, about, social, contact, keywords, and slogan.
  • The image object is optional, but if present, it must have a 'src' property.
  • Social media links and contact information are structured as nested objects.
  • All social media links should be valid URIs.
  • The email field, if provided, should be in a valid email format.


Images are stored in the public folder. You can replace the images with your own images. Make sure to update the image paths in the projects.json file.

🀝 Contributing

Contributions to improve this project are welcome. Please follow the standard fork-and-pull request workflow.

πŸ“„ License

Apache License 2.0