Spowtd provides a Python module and script to analyze water table time series in settings where the behavior of the water table is essentially determined by the current precipitation and evapotranspiration.
For now, see the PDF user guide in Docs. For usage hints, just type:
$ spowtd
- Currently the script does not check if the previous steps required to do a new step have been completed or not. So, you may get a cryptic error message if, for example, you try to plot the recession curve if the recession curve has not been assembled yet.
Build: python3 setup.py build
Test: ./check_errors.sh
Install: python3 setup.py install
Spowtd is built for Python 3.
Use of the spowtd command-line tool or library requires:
- python3
- python3-matplotlib
- python3-numpy
- python3-pytz
The following packages are required for the build and tests:
- asciidoc
- pdflatex
- python3
- pylint-3 (python3-pylint)
- pytest-3 (python3-pytest)
- python3-scons
For development, you may additionally want:
- python3-pycodestyle
- python3-coverage
- python3-pytest-cov
Version 0.5.0 - 2022-09-19:
- Implement stable matching between storms and rises.
- Update format of PEST files for consistency.
- Format Python sources with Black.
- Fix floating-point comparison issue in .pst tests.
Version 0.4.0 - 2022-05-07:
- Add curvature to data model, CLI and docs.
- Implement simulation of recession curves.
- Load evapotranspiration and add to time series plots.
- Implement generation of template PEST files for calibration.
- Add a ceiling parameter to PEATCLSM transmissivity.
- Make PEATCLSM specific yield instantiation and rise curve simulation more efficient.
Version 0.3.0 - 2022-04-25:
- Preliminary implementations of hydraulic functions.
- Plotting of hydraulic functions.
- Simulation of rise curve.
- Documentation on calibration against rise curve using PEST.
Version 0.2.0 - 2022-03-24:
- Accommodate gaps in water level time series
- Better axis label in plot_rise
- Fix inequality error in classification assertion
Version 0.1.0 - 2021-10-08:
- Initial packaging.
Alex Cobb
Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology
Center for Environmental Sensing and Modeling
1 CREATE Way, CREATE Tower #09-03
Singapore 138602
tel.: +65 6516 6170
fax.: +65 6778 5654
e-mail: [email protected]