Convert a geoJSON to a THREE.js 3D mesh structure
The script translates a group of geojson polygons into THREE.js geometries. The whole script is still very experimental.
Take a look at the examples. Here a little bit more info on the variables:
//Turn off console output
var log = true;
//geoJSON file to load
var jsonFile = "../data/einwohnerdichte2013_mini.geojson",
//if you want to extract height information from an additional attribute
useHeight = true,
//name of the attribute
heightAttr = "EW_HA2013",
//if you want to modify the height value, in our case we use a root function
heightFn = function(val){ return Math.pow(parseFloat(val), root); },
//here the root
root = 1/2.5,
//for coloring the objects in the example we need a maximum value
max = heightFn(900),
z_max = 500.0,
z_rel = 0.01,
//values for offset/rotation/scale
offset_x = -45,
offset_y = 59,
offset_z = 0,
r = 0,
scale_x = 209,
scale_y = 350,
scale_factor = 0.1,
heightScaler = 0.5,
//in the example it is possible to animate the height of the objects
animateHeight = false,
//the system doesn't really have a spatial projection structure
//so we simply translate the latitude/longitude values into simple x/y coordinates
translateLat = function(lat){
if(!lat){lat = 0;}
return (lat-13.36)*100;
translateLng = function(lng){
if(!lng){lng = 0;}
return (lng-52.53)*100;
The data in this repository is from the city of berlin.
I actually wrote this script to render an animation to a movie, for the future the "saveObj" part needs to be optimized to store the 3D geometrie in a json file to skip the whole parsing.