A collection of ellipse fitting algorithms:
- Least-Squares with algebraic distance [2]
- Least-Squares with orthogonal distance [3]
- Gradient-Weighted Least-Sqaures [2]
- M-Estimator (Cauchy)
- Least Median of Squares
If you find that code helpful please cite my paper [1].
Use the main.m file. You can use it like this:
main(0,0,24,12,0,0.25,[0.5 * pi 1.5 * pi],200,30,0)
for a simulation of an ellipse with center (0;0) , axes a=24 & b=12, alpha=0, noise variance of 0.25, interval of measurements [0.5 * pi;1.5 * pi], # measurements 200, without outlier.
main(0,0,24,12,0,0.25,[0.5 * pi 1.5 * pi],200,30,1)
outliers are added to the simulation.
[1] Sebastian Dingler, "Fitting ellipses to noisy measurements.", arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.05359, 2021.
[2] Zhengyou Zhang, "Parameter estimation techniques: a tutorial with application to conic fitting", Image and Vision Computing, 15(1):59 - 76, 1997.
[3] Sung Joon Ahn, W. Rauh, and M. Recknagel, "Ellipse fitting and parameter assessment of circular object targets for robot vision", Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1999.