This is a helm chart for OpenProject. It is nowhere near production ready. Right now it is just used locally to be developed on.
First, clone this repository
git clone
cd openproject-helm-chart
If not already done, you need to add the dependency repos:
helm repo add bitnami
Update dependencies
helm dependency build
Optional, but recommended: Work in a separate namespace
kubectl create namespace openproject
Finally, install the application:
helm install -n openproject openproject .
Access with minikube
If you're using minikube, you can try running minikube tunnel
You can access OpenProject under
If you already have services bound locally, try mapping the port explicitly like so:
kubectl port-forward -n openproject service/openproject 8080:80
helm uninstall -n openproject openproject
Simply uninstalling will not remove any created volume mounts (e.g. for the database and attachments). If you want to reset those then the easiest way to achieve that is to re-create the namespace:
kubectl delete namespace openproject
kubectl create namespace openproject
- auto scaling
- and many other things