Fabric Next is a custom build of Hyperledger Fabric with the following enhancements:
- Cherry-picks of certain features not scheduled to be included in Fabric 1.1
- Experimental build tag enabled
- Dynamic build to allow loading plugins
- A Git Client
- Docker - 17.06.2-ce or later
- Docker Compose - 1.14.0 or later
- You may need libtool - sudo apt-get install -y libtool (linux) or brew install libtool (macOS)
- You may need GNU tar on macOS - brew install gnu-tar --with-default-names
Note: The tagged version of fabric-next being used must match the corresponding tag in fabric-snaps. e.g v17.11.1 of fabric-next is compatible with v17.11.1 of fabric-snaps.
To build fabric next run:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/securekey/fabric-next/scripts
$ ./pull_fabric.sh
This script will cherry-pick fabric next and build it.
'Make' flags used:
- DOCKER_DYNAMIC_LINK=true : Dynamic builds are required to load Go plugins into fabric.
- BASE_DOCKER_NS=securekey : These custom base images include Go 1.9.2 and the C libraries required by fabric for dynamic linking (currently libtool). The Dockerfiles that produce these images can be found in the
directory. Images are also produced by the script.
(the two flags above may be omitted if you already have a dynamically compiled fabric peer)
- GO_TAGS=pluginsenabled : Enable loading system chaincodes as plugins.