Gerillass is a library built on top of Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) to give you flexibility for your projects and accelerate your performance and creativity.
Many of the utilities that come with Gerillass are the solutions I have come up with for the challenges I have faced as a frontend developer over the years. These solutions have been shaped by the inspiration of other popular libraries and frameworks like Bourbon, Susy, Scut, Bootstrap, etc. over time and helped me create Gerillass.
Hope you’ll enjoy using it!
Related Links:
- Dart Sass Upgrade
- Installation
- Namespace Usage
- Vendor Prefix Support
- Experimenting
- Testing
- Contribution
- License
- Additional Info
We are saying goodbye to LibSass with version 1.3.0 😢
Because LibSass and the packages built on it, including Node Sass, are deprecated, Gerillass will no longer support LibSass since version 1.3.0 If you're having a problem running Gerillass v1.3.0 please consider using Dart Sass instead of LibSass. If you are running Dart Sass already, you can install and use Gerillass 1.3.0 and later versions safely. If not, however, please use the earlier versions.
npm install gerillass --save-dev
You can import Gerillass with node_modules path.
@import '{node_modules_path}/gerillass/scss/gerillass';
To add the library without using the {node_modules_path} see the examples below.
If you're working with an eyeglass setup, simply import it without providing the node_modules path.
@import 'gerillass';
If you are working on a Node project you can add Gerillass as a dependency.
npm install gerillass --save-dev
yarn add gerillass
Simply @import
the library at the beginning of your App.scss file without using the node_modules path.
@import 'gerillass';
You can add a new Gulp task as in the below example or simply add includePath: ['node_modules/gerillass/scss']
option to the task if you have one already.
function sassify(done) {
return (
outputStyle: "expanded",
includePaths: ["node_modules/gerillass/scss"],
}).on('error', sass.logError))
Including to the project:
@import 'gerillass';
You can add the Gerillass library by editing your Gruntfile.js at the root level of your project. Simply find the sass related rules and add loadPath: ['node_modules/gerillass/scss']
inside the options
sass: {
dist: {
options: {
style: "expanded",
loadPath: ['node_modules/gerillass/scss']
files: {
"main.css": "main.scss"
Including to the project:
@import 'gerillass';
You can clone the repository into your local computer from Github.
git clone
Or you can add the library as a submodule into your Git based project (What is a submodule?).
git submodule add
Including to the project:
@import '{folder_path}/gerillass/scss/gerillass';
You can use Gerillass with or without gls-
namespace. It is optional, but I strongly recommend you to use it to prevent having conflicts with other Sass libraries or frameworks like Bootstrap.
Because of the vast usage of bundlers like Gulp, Grunt, Webpack, etc.(these frameworks run some other plugins like Autoprefixer to support vendor prefixes), Gerillass doesn't provide vendor prefix support.
So, feel free to use any tool to support that. My suggestion is Autoprefixer. If you are not using one of the bundlers mentioned above, you can also manually add vendor prefixes using the Autoprefixer CSS Online tool.
Experimentation with Gerillass is easy: If you're processing Sass files on your computer already, download the Gerillass Sass library, include it in your project, and start using it. If not, use Gerillass Play! Gerillass Play is a Gulp based playground, built for you to get started with Sass and Gerillass quickly.
Important Note: Don't forget that you must have Node.js and Gulp CLI installed on your machine to work with Gerillass Play.
Gerillass comes with a unit-testing module named True, which makes Sass unit tests possible (endless thanks to the OddBird Team).
You can find two test examples under the test
folder, take your time, examine the codes, and then write your unit tests. After that, run the following command to see if the tests pass.
npm test
Please read the contribution details and feel free to contribute to the library.
Gerillass is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. For more see the license content.
This project is created with the loving music of Anna German and dedicated to James Williamson: The best web educator ever. For more information about James, please check his legacy blog page at or watch his video lectures about Web and Accessibility on LinkedIn Learning.