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A customized UITextField including validation and inline message with regular expression.

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Package
  2. Getting Started
  3. License
  4. Contact

About The Package

Constructing TextField with customizations such as interactive border color and width, validations, and material styling is such a complicated process while developing an iOS application. That's why this package is created to support and speed up the development.

Some Features:

  • Pre-defined style: material(placeholder-title movement), normal
  • Additional customized UIElement: InteractiveTextFieldWithInline, InteractiveTextView, InlineLabel
  • Statically define config which assist on customizing some properties of the textfield
  • Validation logic with regular expression

TextField-Placeholder TextField-Inline-Message TextField-Inline-Error TextField-Title TextField-Prefix

Getting Started

Before using the package, please check this demo InteractiveTextFieldDemo to have a look at some examples. This package supports installation with: Cocopods (github), or SPM (Swift Package Manager).


If using pod for the project, please check this link Cocoapods and install it.


Below is the installation of the package.

  1. Pod
    pod 'InteractiveTextField', :git => '', :tag => 'v1.0.2'
    pod install
  2. SPM


Distributed under the MIT License. See for more information.


Sengthai Te - ( - [email protected]

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