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Angular module to use Bootstrap3 media queries in your angular controllers.


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AngularJS matchMediaLight Module

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Provides an AngularJS service that sets and updates $matchMedia in $rootScope with the following information:

$matchMedia = {
  size: "xs|sm|md|lg", // Current size of the screen
  retina: true|false, // Whether we're on high-DPI display
  print: true|false, // Whether we're printing
  dark: true|false // Whether we're in dark mode

Notably features are:

  • Automatic setup (you only need to load the AngularJS module)
  • Automatically sets and updates $matchMedia in $rootScope
  • Properly detects print events and synchronizes AngularJS
  • Reports light-dark color schemes
  • User-controllable light-dark color scheme

This project improves on jacopotarantino's excellent angular-match-media library in various ways:

  • Improved performance (code doesn't rely on resize events)
  • Encourages developer to follow AngularJS's native functions (use $watch rather than specific functions)
  • Properly detects screen resizes on print
  • Loses compatibility with ancient browsers (pre-2014, although this is admittedly a minus)


To install matchMediaLight for your AngularJS project via NPM, run the following command in your project's root directory:

npm install angular-match-media-light --save

Include match-media-light.min.js in your HTML, after AngularJS:

<script type="text/javascript" src="...your-path-to/node_modules/angular-match-media-light/dist/match-media-light.min.js"></script>


Require the matchMediaLight module as a dependency in your AngularJS application:

// My AngularJS module declaration
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['matchMediaLight']);

And that's it, $matchMedia is now available in $rootScope, i.e. everywhere in your myApp AngularJS application!

In HTML templates

In your HTML templates, you can then use:

This is the current media type: {{ $matchMedia.size }} <br>
Theme is: {{ $matchMedia.dark ? 'dark' : 'light' }}

which will output:

This is the current media type: lg
Theme is: light

For example, you can dynamically add classes to the <body> element, depending on the size of the screen, to control the CSS:

<body ng-class="'size-' + $matchMedia.size">
body.size-xs h3 div {
  display: none;

body.size-sm {
  font-size: 10px;

In a controller

Simply inject $rootScope in your controller to access $matchMedia directly, or use $watch('$matchMedia', myCallBack) to react to media changes, as in the example below:

angular.module('myApp', ['matchMediaLight']).controller('myController', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {

  // Access $matchMedia in $rootScope
  console.log('Screen size is ' + $rootScope.$matchMedia.size);

  // Watch changes in $matchMedia
  $rootScope.$watch('$matchMedia', function(media) {
    console.log('New size: ' + media.size);
    console.log('Retina: ' + media.retina);
    console.log('Dark: ' + media.dark);
    console.log('Print: ' + media.print);
  }, true);


Control color scheme

Use the forceDark() and forceLight() methods of the mediaWatcher AngularJS service to force the dark or light color scheme. The setting is stored in window.localStorage and remembered. Use these functions to let the user control how to display your application.

$matchMedia.dark will reflect the setting configured with forceDark() and forceLight().

When you call forceDark() and that the browser is already in dark mode, the setting is removed from localStorage so that the application follows the browser's default behavior. This means that if the browser is set back to light mode, $matchMedia.dark will be set to false again. Same goes when calling forceLight() when the browser is already in light color mode.

You can use angular-bootstrap-toggle to let the user switch from light to dark mode:

<!-- Add "dark" to the class of body when in dark mode -->
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-class="{'dark': $matchMedia.dark }">
  <!-- Little hack: Verify early whether we're in dark mode to avoid flickering and FOUC -->
  <script>(function (){var d=window.localStorage.getItem('matchMediaLight.userIsDark');return null!=d?d==='true':window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches})()&&document.body.classList.add('dark')</script>

  <!-- [...] -->

  <!-- Pretty day/night toggle -->
    on="<i class='fa-solid fa-moon'></i>"
    off="<i class='fa-solid fa-sun'></i>">
myApp.controller('aController', ['$rootScope', 'mediaWatcher', function($rootScope, mediaWatcher) {

  // [...]

   * Switches color schemes between light and dark
   * Reacts to ng-change on the toggle
  $scope.switchColors = function() {
    // When we arrive here, $matchMedia.dark has already been forced to the desired value
    $rootScope.$matchMedia.dark ? mediaWatcher.forceDark() : mediaWatcher.forceLight();


Note the hacky script just after the <body> element, to make sure the dark class is added to the <body> element as soon as possible, and avoid a flickering effect on page load and Flashes Of Unstyled Content (FOUC;

Custom screen sizes or media queries

By default, $matchMedia.size matches with Bootstrap 3.x screen sizes: xs, sm, md, and lg. You can customize the screen size categories (add or remove), and change the breakpoints.

This must be done during the initialization of your AngularJS module, with as in the example below:

angular.module("myApp").config(["mediaWatcher", function(mediaWatcher) {
  // Add a `xl` size category for extra-large screens
    xl: "(min-width: 1980px)",
    lg: "(min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1979px)",
    md: "(min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px)",
    sm: "(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px)",
    xs: "(max-width: 767px)"


MIT License


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Angular module to use Bootstrap3 media queries in your angular controllers.




