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Sparse Genomic Analysis of Individual Nuclei by Sequencing


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Sparse Genomic Analysis of Individual Nuclei by Sequencing (s-GAINS)


This document describes how to setup s-GAINS pipeline tool and its basic command.

Short tutorial on how to use this tool could be found in Example usage of sGAINS pipeline

Anaconda environment setup

Install Anaconda

  • Go to anaconda web site and download the latest anaconda installer for your operating system.

  • s-GAINS supports Python 3.6 or greater so you need to choose an appropriate installer. Note also that since s-GAINS uses bioconda channel the supported operating systems are only those supported for bioconda (at the time of this writing these are Linux and Mac OS X).

  • Install anaconda into suitable place on your local machine following instructions from

Create sgains Anaconda environment

  • After installing and activating Anaconda you need to create an environment to use with sgains pipeline. To this end you need to use:

    conda create -n sgains3
    source activate sgains3

Install sgains anaconda package

  • sGAINS tools are distributed as a conda package through krasnitzlab Annaconda channel. So to install sGAINS tools use:

    conda install -c krasnitzlab -c bioconda sgains

    This command should install all the packages and tools need for proper functioning of sgains-tools.

  • After this command finishes, you should be able to use sgains-tools command:

    sgains-tools --help

Install SCGV viewer package

To visualize results of sgains-tools you may need SCGV viewer.

SCGV package is available from KrasnitzLab Anaconda channel. You can to install it using using following command:

conda install -c krasnitzlab scgv

Usage of sgains docker container

Instead of seting up sgains environment you can use krasnitzlab/sgains docker container image to run the pipeline. To this end you need to have Docker tools installed and configured on your computer (please look for instructions in the official Docker documentation.

Download s-GAINS container image

Once you have Docker installed and configured you can pull krasnitzlab/sgains docker container image by using docker pull command:

docker pull krasnitzlab/sgains

Run s-GAINS container in interactive mode

You can run the sgains container interactively by using:

docker run -i -v /data/pathname:/data -t krasnitzlab/sgains /bin/bash

where /data/pathname is a full pathname to a folder on your local machine, where data you want to process is located.

Run s-GAINS commands

You can use this docker container to run all subcommans of sgains-tools using following sintax:

docker run -i -v /data/pathname:/data -t krasnitzlab/sgains sgains-tools <arg1> <arg2> ...

In this way you can run any sgains-tools subcommand with appropriate arguments you need.

Usage of sgains-tools tool

To interact with s-GAINS pipeline you invoke sgains-tools command with different parameters and subcommands. You can list available options of sgains-tools using -h option:

sgains-tools -h
usage: sgains-tools [-h] [-v] [-c path] [-n] [--force] [--parallel PARALLEL]

sgains - sparse genomic analysis of individual nuclei by sequencing pipeline


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         set verbosity level [default: 0]
  -c path, --config path
                        configuration file
  -n, --dry-run         perform a trial run with no changes made
  --force, -F           allows overwriting nonempty results directory
  --parallel PARALLEL, -p PARALLEL
                        number of task to run in parallel

    process             combines mapping, varbin and scclust subcommands into
                        single command
    prepare             combines all preparation steps (genomeindex,
                        mappable_regions, bins) into single command
    genomeindex         builds appropriate bowtie index for the reference
    mappable-regions    finds all mappable regions in specified genome
    bins                calculates all bins boundaries for specified bins
                        count and read length
    mapping             performs mapping of cell reads to reference genome
    varbin              applies varbin algorithm to count read mappings in
                        each bin
    scclust             segmentation and clustering based bin counts and
                        preparation of the SCGV input data```

The sgains-tools tool supports a list of common options:

  • --dry-run, -n - this option instructs sgains-tools to perform a trail run displaying information of commands that should be performed but without actualy running these commands

  • --force - when sgains-tools tool is run it checks if the result files or directories already exist and, if they do, sgains-tools stops whitout making any changes. To override this behaivor you can use the --force option

  • --config, -c - instructs sgains-tools which configuration file to use.

  • --parallel, -p - instructs sgains-tools to parallelize work on subcommands called.

Pipeline preparation

Usage of genomeindex subcommand

The genomeindex subcommand builds the bowtie index for the reference genome. To list the available options use:

sgains-tools genomeindex -h
usage: sgains-tools genomeindex [-h] [--genome-index GENOME_INDEX]
                             [--genome-dir GENOME_DIR]
                             [--genome-version GENOME_VERSION]
                             [--genome-pristine GENOME_PRISTINE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

genome index options:
  --genome-index GENOME_INDEX, -G GENOME_INDEX
                        genome index name (default: genomeindex)
  --genome-dir GENOME_DIR
                        genome index directory (default: hg19)
  --genome-version GENOME_VERSION
                        version of reference genome in use (supports only
                        hg19) (default: hg19)
  --genome-pristine GENOME_PRISTINE
                        directory where clean copy of reference genome is
                        located (default: hg19_pristine)

Usage of mappable-regions subcommand

This command find all uniquely mappable regions of the reference genome with given length.

This step is computationally expesive and could take days in CPU time.

To save this step you can use files with precomputed mappable regions that could be found at:

You can download and unzip some of these files and use them into following stages of the pipeline preparation.

If you want to build your own mappable regions file you can use mappable-regions subcommand. To run this command you will need genome index build from genomeindex subommand.

To list the options available for this subcommand use:

sgains-tools mappable-regions -h
usage: sgains-tools mappable-regions [-h] [--mappable-dir MAPPABLE_DIR]
                                  [--mappable-regions MAPPABLE_REGIONS]
                                  [--read-length LENGTH]
                                  [--bowtie-opts BOWTIE_OPTS]
                                  [--genome-index GENOME_INDEX]
                                  [--genome-dir GENOME_DIR]
                                  [--genome-version GENOME_VERSION]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

mappable regions options:
  --mappable-dir MAPPABLE_DIR, -m MAPPABLE_DIR
                        directory where mappable regions file is stroed
                        (default: R50)
                        filename where mappable regions are stored (default:
  --read-length LENGTH, -l LENGTH
                        read length to use for generation of mappable regions
                        (default: 50)
  --bowtie-opts BOWTIE_OPTS
                        additional bowtie options (default: )

genome index options:
  --genome-index GENOME_INDEX, -G GENOME_INDEX
                        genome index name (default: genomeindex)
  --genome-dir GENOME_DIR
                        genome index directory (default: hg19)
  --genome-version GENOME_VERSION
                        version of reference genome in use (supports only
                        hg19) (default: hg19)

Usage of bins subcommand

The bins subcommand computes the bins boudaries.

To list options available for bins subcommand use:

sgains-tools bins -h
usage: sgains-tools bins [-h] [--mappable-dir MAPPABLE_DIR]
                      [--mappable-regions MAPPABLE_REGIONS]
                      [--bins-boundaries BINS_BOUNDARIES]
                      [--bins-dir BINS_DIR] [--bins-count BINS_COUNT]
                      [--genome-index GENOME_INDEX] [--genome-dir GENOME_DIR]
                      [--genome-version GENOME_VERSION]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

mappable regions options:
  --mappable-dir MAPPABLE_DIR, -m MAPPABLE_DIR
                        directory where mappable regions file is stroed
                        (default: data/R100)
                        filename where mappable regions are stored (default:

bins boundaries:
                        bins boundaries filename (default:
  --bins-dir BINS_DIR   bins working directory (default: data/R100_B10k)
  --bins-count BINS_COUNT, -C BINS_COUNT
                        number of bins (default: 10000)

genome index options:
  --genome-index GENOME_INDEX, -G GENOME_INDEX
                        genome index name (default: genomeindex)
  --genome-dir GENOME_DIR
                        genome index directory (default: data/hg19)
  --genome-version GENOME_VERSION
                        version of reference genome in use (supports only
                        hg19) (default: hg19)

Processing sequence data

Use of process subcommand

Please note, that to use process subcommands (mapping, varbin, scclust and process) you need go through preparation steps.

To list the options available for process subcommand use:

sgains-tools process -h
usage: sgains-tools process [-h] [--reads-dir READS_DIR]
                         [--reads-suffix READS_SUFFIX]
                         [--mapping-bowtie-opts MAPPING_BOWTIE_OPTS]
                         [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--case-name CASE_NAME]
                         [--genome-index GENOME_INDEX]
                         [--genome-dir GENOME_DIR]
                         [--genome-version GENOME_VERSION]
                         [--bins-boundaries BINS_BOUNDARIES]
                         [--bins-dir BINS_DIR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mapping-bowtie-opts MAPPING_BOWTIE_OPTS
                        bowtie mapping options (default: -S -t -m 1 --best
                        --strata --chunkmbs 256)

sequencing reads options:
  --reads-dir READS_DIR, -R READS_DIR
                        data directory where sequencing reads are located
                        (default: SRA)
  --reads-suffix READS_SUFFIX
                        reads files suffix pattern (default: .fastq.gz)

process output options:
  --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR
                        output directory (default: scgv)
  --case-name CASE_NAME
                        case name (default: navin_T10)

genome index options:
  --genome-index GENOME_INDEX, -G GENOME_INDEX
                        genome index name (default: genomeindex)
  --genome-dir GENOME_DIR
                        genome index directory (default: hg19)
  --genome-version GENOME_VERSION
                        version of reference genome in use (supports only
                        hg19) (default: hg19)

bins boundaries:
                        bins boundaries filename (default:
  --bins-dir BINS_DIR   bins working directory (default: R50_B20k)
  • The data created by the process subcommand are placed in a subdirectory, whose name is specified with --output-dir option. This name will be used when creating the result directory structure.

  • The input for process subcommand are FASTQ files containing the reads for each individual cell. All FASTQ files for given study are expected to be located into single directory. You should specify this directory using --reads-dir option.

  • The results from process subcommand are stored in the output data directory, as specified using --output-dir option. The process subcommand will create a directory and inside that directory it will create three additional subdirectories - mapping, varbin and scclust. These will contain intermediate results from the respective pipeline stages.

  • The first mapping stage of the pipeline invokes bowtie to map reads from FASTQ files. This stage needs a name of the bowtie index (user --genome-index option to specify bowtie index name) and a directory, where this index is located (use --genome-dir to pass this parameter).

  • If you need to pass additional options to bowtie to control mapping reads you can use --mapping-bowtie-opts option.

  • The varbin stage of the pipeline needs a bins boundaries file prepared in advance. You can pass bins boundaries file using --bins-boundaries option.

Usage of mapping subcommand

To list the options available for mapping subcommand use:

sgains-tools mapping -h
usage: sgains-tools mapping [-h] [--reads-dir READS_DIR]
                         [--reads-suffix READS_SUFFIX]
                         [--mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR]
                         [--mapping-suffix MAPPING_SUFFIX]
                         [--mapping-bowtie-opts MAPPING_BOWTIE_OPTS]
                         [--genome-index GENOME_INDEX]
                         [--genome-dir GENOME_DIR]
                         [--genome-version GENOME_VERSION]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mapping-bowtie-opts MAPPING_BOWTIE_OPTS
                        bowtie mapping options (default: -S -t -m 1 --best

sequencing reads options:
  --reads-dir READS_DIR, -R READS_DIR
                        data directory where sequencing reads are located
                        (default: reads)
  --reads-suffix READS_SUFFIX
                        reads files suffix pattern (default: .fastq.gz)

mapping files options:
  --mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR, -M MAPPING_DIR
                        data directory where mapping files are located
                        (default: mappings)
  --mapping-suffix MAPPING_SUFFIX
                        mapping files suffix pattern (default: .rmdup.bam)

genome index options:
  --genome-index GENOME_INDEX, -G GENOME_INDEX
                        genome index name (default: genomeindex)
  --genome-dir GENOME_DIR
                        genome index directory (default: ../../hg19)
  --genome-version GENOME_VERSION
                        version of reference genome in use (supports only
                        hg19) (default: hg19)

Use of varbin subcommand

To list the options available for varbin subcommand use:

sgains-tools varbin -h
usage: sgains-tools varbin [-h] [--mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR]
                        [--mapping-suffix MAPPING_SUFFIX]
                        [--varbin-dir VARBIN_DIR]
                        [--varbin-suffix VARBIN_SUFFIX]
                        [--bins-boundaries BINS_BOUNDARIES]
                        [--bins-dir BINS_DIR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

mapping files options:
  --mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR, -M MAPPING_DIR
                        data directory where mapping files are located
                        (default: mappings)
  --mapping-suffix MAPPING_SUFFIX
                        mapping files suffix pattern (default: .rmdup.bam)

varbin options:
  --varbin-dir VARBIN_DIR, -V VARBIN_DIR
                        varbin directory (default: varbin)
  --varbin-suffix VARBIN_SUFFIX
                        varbin files suffix pattern (default: .varbin.10k.txt)

bins boundaries:
                        bins boundaries filename (default:
  --bins-dir BINS_DIR   bins working directory (default: ../../R50_B50k)

Use of scclust subcommand

To list options available for scclust subcommand use:

sgains-tools scclust -h
usage: sgains-tools scclust [-h] [--varbin-dir VARBIN_DIR]
                         [--varbin-suffix VARBIN_SUFFIX]
                         [--scclust-dir SCCLUST_DIR] [--case-name CASE_NAME]
                         [--bins-boundaries BINS_BOUNDARIES]
                         [--bins-dir BINS_DIR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

varbin options:
  --varbin-dir VARBIN_DIR, -V VARBIN_DIR
                        varbin directory (default: varbin)
  --varbin-suffix VARBIN_SUFFIX
                        varbin files suffix pattern (default: .varbin.20k.txt)

SCclust options:
  --scclust-dir SCCLUST_DIR, -S SCCLUST_DIR
                        SCGV directory (default: scclust)
  --case-name CASE_NAME
                        case name (default: navin_T10)

bins boundaries:
                        bins boundaries filename (default:
  --bins-dir BINS_DIR   bins working directory (default: R50_B20k)

Configure the s-GAINS pipeline

An example s-GAINS pipeline configuration:

    version: hg19
    data_dir: hg19_pristine
    work_dir: hg19
    genome_index: genomeindex

    length: 50
    work_dir: R50
    bowtie_opts: ""
    bins_count: 20000
    bins_dir: R50_B20k
    bins_boundaries: hg19_R50_B20k_bins_boundaries.txt

    reads_dir: SRA
    reads_suffix: ".fastq.gz"
    mapping_dir: mapping
    mapping_suffix: ".rmdup.bam"
    mapping_bowtie_opts: "-S -t -m 1 --best --strata --chunkmbs 256"

    varbin_dir: varbin
    varbin_suffix: ".varbin.20k.txt"

    case_name: "navin_T10"
    scgv_dir: scgv
    cytoband: hg19/cytoBand.txt
    nsim: 150
    sharemin: 0.85

Each section of this configuration file corresponds to the relevant s-GAINS tool subcommand and sets values for the options of the subcommand.

The options passed from the command line override the options specified in the configuration file.


Sparse Genomic Analysis of Individual Nuclei by Sequencing







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