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My Unsafe - Unsafe Interceptor, Native Memory Leak Tracker and Access Checker on the JVM


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My Unsafe - Unsafe Interceptor, Native Memory Leak Tracker and Access Checker on the JVM

1. What is MySafe?

MySafe is a framework (based on Jillegal-Agent) for managing memory accesses over sun.misc.Unsafe. MySafe intercepts (instruments) sun.misc.Unsafe calls and keeps records of allocated memories. So it can give the allocated memory informations and detect the invalid memory accesses.

2. Installation

In your pom.xml, you must add repository and dependency for MySafe. You can change mysafe.version to any existing MySafe library version. Latest version of MySafe is 2.1.


3. Configurations

  • mysafe.enableSafeMemoryManagementMode: Enables checkes while freeing/reallocating memory. By this property enabled, every memory free/reallocation are checked about if the target memory is valid (already allocated) or not. Default value is false.

  • mysafe.enableSafeMemoryAccessMode: Enables memory access checkes over sun.misc.Unsafe. By this property enabled, every memory accesses over sun.misc.Unsafe are checked about if the target memory is valid (already allocated) or not. Default value is false.

  • mysafe.enableConcurrentMemoryAccessCheck: Enables a very lightweight locking for every memory access/free operation. By this property enabled, when there is on going memory access, there cannot be memory free and when there is on going memory free, there cannot be memory access. However, when there is on going memory access, there can be other memory accesses and when there is on going memory free, there can be other memory frees. It means, memory accesses only lock memory frees and memory frees only lock memory accesses. This property can be used if there is no guarantee for that the accessed memory region can be free by other threads simultaneously. Note that this lock is not address based lock but global lock for memory access/free operation but it is very light weight and implemented by lock-free approaches with busy-spin based on the assumption that memory accesses/frees are very fast operations.

  • mysafe.useCustomMemoryManagement: Enabled custom memory management mode. Custom memory management means that memory allocation/free/reallocation operations are not handled directly over sun.misc.Unsafe but over custom implementation. For example, user might acquire memory in batch from OS, caches it and then serves requested memories from there. In this mode, user can specify his/her custom memory allocation/free/reallocation points instead of Unsafe::allocateMemory/Unsafe::freeMemory/Unsafe::reallocateMemory. However, when this mode is enabled, Safe Memory Access Mode feature cannot be enabled at the same time. Custom memory management points can be configured via annotations (@AllocationPoint, @FreePoint and @ReallocationPoint) and properties file named

    • Configuring custom memory management via annotation: Custom memory management points can be configured by marking related methods with these annotations.

      • @AllocationPoint: Marks custom allocation points to be tracked.

        Annotated method must be in the form of long $YOUR_ALLOCATION_METHOD_NAME$(long size, ...) as given parameter order by default. Order of size parameter can be configured via sizeParameterOrder().

        As you can see,

        • There might be other parameters rather than size.
        • Return type can only be long and it must be allocated address.

        Also note that the marked method must be concrete method. Must not be neither method definition on interface nor on abstract class.

      • @FreePoint: Marks custom free points to be tracked.

        Annotated method must be in the form of void $YOUR_FREE_METHOD_NAME$(long address, ...) as given parameter order by default. Order of address parameter can be configured via addressParameterOrder().

        As you can see,

        • There might be other parameters rather than address.
        • Return type can only be void.

        Also note that the marked method must be concrete method. Must not be neither method definition on interface nor on abstract class.

      • @ReallocationPoint: Marks custom reallocation points to be tracked.

        Annotated method must be in the form of long $YOUR_REALLOCATION_METHOD_NAME$(long oldAddress, long newSize, ...) as given parameter order by default. Order of oldAddress and newSize parameters can be configured via oldAddressParameterOrder() and newSizeParameterOrder().

        As you can see,

        • There might be other parameters rather than oldAddress and newSize.
        • Return type can only be long and it must be reallocated address.

        Also note that the marked method must be concrete method. Must not be neither method definition on interface nor on abstract class.

    • Configuring custom memory management via properties file: In the file, memory management management point configurations are represented by properties. Key of property represents the memory management management point configuration and value of property represents the management management point type. Memory management point types are ALLOCATION_POINT, FREE_POINT and REALLOCATION_POINT. Here are the memory management management point configuration syntaxes:

      • ALLOCATION_POINT: It must be in the form of <class_name>#<method_name>(#<size_parameter_order>)?
      • FREE_POINT: It must be in the form of <class_name>#<method_name>(#<address_parameter_order>)?
      • REALLOCATION_POINT: It must be in the form of <class_name>#<method_name>(#<old_address_parameter_order>(#<new_size_parameter_order>)?)?

      Here is sample custom memory management config via$MemoryManager#allocate=ALLOCATION_POINT$MemoryManager#free=FREE_POINT$MemoryManager#reallocate=REALLOCATION_POINT
  • mysafe.customMemoryManagementPackagePrefix: Specifies a subset of classes/packages for checking loaded classes whether they might have custom memory management point. By this configuration, unnecessary check on every loaded classes is prevented for possible custom memory management points.

  • mysafe.threadLocalMemoryUsagePatternExist: Enables thread-local based storages for allocated memories and allocation paths. Since storages are thread-local, they are lock free and no need to any synchronization. By these advantages, they perform better than lock guarded and synchonized global storages. If memory usages are thread-local in your application, it is highly recommended to enable this property. Thread-local memory usage means that once a memory is allocated in a thread, it is only accessed and free within that thread.

  • mysafe.ignoreByMySafe: Specifies classes/packages to be ignored by MySafe for instrumentation. There can be multiple configurations seperated by comma (,). Also via @IgnoreByMySafe annotation, classes can be marked to be ignored by MySafe.

  • mysafe.threadLocalMemoryUsageDeciderImpl: Specifies the ThreadLocalMemoryUsageDecider implementation to be used for deciding which threads use memory as thread-local and which ones use as global. This property is used when mysafe.threadLocalMemoryUsagePatternExist property is enabled. By default all threads are assumed as they are using memory as thread-local when mysafe.threadLocalMemoryUsagePatternExist property is enabled.

  • mysafe.enableAllocationPathMonitoringMode: Enables tracking allocation paths on memory allocation (class name and method name) with at most 4 depth by default. Allocation paths are dumped while dumping all allocated memories through MySafe::dumpAllocatedMemories if it is enabled. Default value is false.

    Note that, in the result allocation path, between two subsequent call points (methods), there might be other call points (methods) and MySafe doesn't give any guarantee that these call points (methods) are directly connected with eachother.

  • mysafe.maxAllocationPathDepth: Configures maximum depth of for allocation path tracking. Default value is 4 and it cannot be more than 4.

  • mysafe.enableMXBean: Enables JMX support. Default value is false.

  • mysafe.allocatedMemoryStorageImpl: Specifies the custom AllocatedMemoryStorage implementation which stores the allocated memories. If it is not set, the default (built-in) AllocatedMemoryStorage implementation is used.

  • mysafe.allocationPathManagerImpl Specifies the custom AllocationPathManager implementation which manages allocation path & address mappings/un-mappings and allocation path provide related operations. If it is not set, the default (built-in) AllocationPathManager implementation (InstrumentationBasedAllocationPathManager) is used.

  • mysafe.illegalMemoryAccessListenerImpl: Specifies the IllegalMemoryAccessListener implementation to be notified when illegal memory access occurred.

  • mysafe.useNativeMemoryForStorageWhenSupported: Enables usage of native memory (off-heap) backed storages when supported (only supported by thread-local storage at the moment).

4. Usage

There are 3 ways of activating MySafe:

4.1. Java Agent Based Usage by VM Argument

MySafe can be activated through Java agent (Jillegal-Agent) by using sun.misc.Unsafe instrumenter of MySafe via -javaagent:<path_to_jillegal_agent>\<jillegal_agent_jar>="-p".

For example: -javaagent:$M2_HOME\tr\com\serkanozal\jillegal-agent\2.0\jillegal-agent-2.0.jar="-p"

4.2. Java Agent Based Usage Programmatically

MySafe can be activated programmatically by MySafe.youAreMine();.

4.3. ClassLoader Based Usage by VM Argument

MySafe can be activated also by defining its classloader as system classloader via

5. API

5.1. AllocatedMemoryStorage

AllocatedMemoryStorage interface is contract point to store allocated memories. It is specified via mysafe.allocatedMemoryStorageImpl system property.

5.2. IllegalMemoryAccessListener

IllegalMemoryAccessListener interface is contract point to be notified when illegal memory access occurred. It is specified via mysafe.illegalMemoryAccessListenerImpl system property.

5.3. AllocatedMemoryIterator

AllocatedMemoryIterator interface is contract point for iterating allocated memories.

Here is its sample usage:

// Iterate on all allocated memories and print them
MySafe.iterateOnAllocatedMemories(new AllocatedMemoryIterator() {

  public void onAllocatedMemory(long address, long size) {
    System.out.println("onAllocatedMemory >>> " + 
                          "address=" + address + 
                          ", size=" + size);

5.4. MemoryListener

MemoryListener interface is contract point to be notified for memory usage (allocation/free/reallocation).

Here is its sample usage:

// Create listener to be notified for each allocate/free/reallocate
MemoryListener listener = new MemoryListener() {

  public void beforeAllocateMemory(long size) {
    System.out.println("beforeAllocateMemory >>> " + 
                          "size=" + size);
  public void afterAllocateMemory(long address, long size) {
    System.out.println("afterAllocateMemory >>> " + 
                          "address=" + address + 
                          ", size=" + size);
  public void beforeFreeMemory(long address) {
    System.out.println("beforeFreeMemory >>> " + 
                          "address=" + address);
  public void afterFreeMemory(long address, long size, boolean isKnownAddress) {
    System.out.println("afterFreeMemory >>> " + 
                          "address=" + address + 
                          ", size=" + size + 
                          ", isKnownAddress=" + isKnownAddress);

  public void beforeReallocateMemory(long oldAddress, long oldSize) {
    System.out.println("beforeReallocateMemory >>> " + 
                          "oldAddress=" + oldAddress + 
                          ", oldSize=" + oldSize);

  public void afterReallocateMemory(long oldAddress, long oldSize, 
                                    long newAddress, long newSize, boolean isKnownAddress) {
    System.out.println("afterReallocateMemory >>> " + 
                          "oldAddress=" + oldAddress + 
                          ", oldSize=" + oldSize +
                          ", newAddress=" + newAddress + 
                          ", newSize=" + newSize +
                          ", isKnownAddress=" + isKnownAddress);


// Register listener to be notified for each allocate/free


// Deregister registered listener

5.5. Dumping Allocated Native Memories

All allocated memories can be dumped via MySafe.dumpAllocatedMemories() or MySafe.dumpAllocatedMemories(PrintStream) methods.

Here is its sample usage:

// Dump all allocated memories to console


PrintStream myPrintStream = ...
// Dump all allocated memories to `myPrintStream`

5.6. AllocationPathManager

AllocationPathManager interface is contract point to manage allocation path & address mappings/un-mappings and allocation path provide related operations. It is specified via mysafe.allocationPathManagerImpl system property.

5.7. Dumping Allocation Paths

All unique allocation paths with allocated memories through them can be dumped via MySafe.dumpAllocationPaths() or MySafe.dumpAllocationPaths(PrintStream) methods if allocation path monitoring is enabled by mysafe.enableAllocationPathMonitoringMode property.

Here is its sample usage:

// Dump all allocation paths with allocated memories through them to console


PrintStream myPrintStream = ...
// Dump all allocation paths with allocated memories through them to `myPrintStream`

5.8. Generating Allocation Path Diagram

All unique allocation paths with allocated memories through them can be dumped via MySafe.generateAllocationPathDiagrams() method if allocation path monitoring is enabled by mysafe.enableAllocationPathMonitoringMode property.

Here is its sample usage:

// Generate allocation path diagram

6. Demo

Here is demo application for demonstrating how to iterate on allocated memories and dump them.

Here is demo application for demonstrating how to track memory allocation, reallocation and free operations.

Here is demo application for demonstrating how to be notified on illegal memory accesses.

Here is demo application for demonstrating how to integrate MySafe with custom memory managers.

Here is demo application for demonstrating how to hunt native memory leaks via MySafe.

Here is the generated allocation path diagram for the NativeMemoryLeakHuntingDemo which shows the cause of native memory leak: native-memory-leak-hunting

7. Fixes & Enhancements

Bug fixes and enhancements at each release:

7.1. Version 1.1

  • Introduced UnsafeMemoryAccessor for memory access abstraction through Unsafe. Also introduced AlignmentAwareUnsafeMemoryAccessor to support unaligned memory accesses on platforms which don't support unaligned memory accesses such as SPARC.

7.2. Version 2.0

  • Some renaming on interfaces, classes and method names about Unsafe terms including API.
  • Ability to specify custom memory allocation, reallocation and free points (methods) instead of Unsafe's allocateMemory, freeMemory and reallocateMemory methods.
  • Ability to monitor stacktraces of memory allocations by class name and method name (or constructor/class initializer).
  • Ability to storing allocated memory addresses and allocation path informations (if enabled) at off-heap instead of heap.
  • Ability to generate allocation path diagrams.

7.3. Version 2.1

8. Roadmap

  • Ability to track also line numbers for stacktraces of memory allocations.
  • More detailed and accurate allocation path detection.
  • Ability to inspect directly sun.misc.Unsafe instead of application classes which uses sun.misc.Unsafe.
  • Java 9 support.
  • Allocation path detection via Java 9’s StackWalker API.
  • Flame graph support.


My Unsafe - Unsafe Interceptor, Native Memory Leak Tracker and Access Checker on the JVM







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