HashiCorp Installer is a script and accompanying Docker image that downloads, verifies, and installs HashiCorp tools from the HashiCorp releases service.
GPG import and verification - automatically imports HashiCorp's GPG key and verifies the download integrity and signature
Docker container - includes a Docker contain which can be used as a standalone way to install or can be used as a multi-stage pre-build container.
The general syntax is:
$ install-hashicorp-tool NAME VERSION [OS=linux [ARCH=amd64]]
For example:
$ install-hashicorp-tool terraform 0.11.7
The tool can be used as a standalone installer:
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/software sethvargo/hashicorp-installer terraform 0.11.7
The tool can also be used as part of a multi-stage Docker build:
# Download and verify the integrity of the download first
FROM sethvargo/hashicorp-installer AS installer
RUN /install-hashicorp-tool "terraform" "0.11.7"
# Now copy the binary over into a smaller base image
FROM alpine:latest
COPY --from=installer /software/terraform /terraform
ENTRYPOINT ["/terraform"]
Why don't you import HashiCorp's public key from a keyserver?
A few reasons. First, then you have to trust the key server. Second, some build
services don't allow outbound requests on non-80, non-443 ports. Since most
keyservers don't run on those ports, it creates unreliable builds.