nyks provide a set of "missing" stuffs in nodejs basic api. All those functions will eventually end up in the official API :-).
require('child_process').exec_window(cmd, args, callback); child_process.exec equivalent for windowed applications.
require('child_process').passthru(cmd, args, callback);
require('child_process').passthru(cmd, {args:args,env:env}, callback); callback(err, exit_code, last_stdout_line);
- path.which Return full path of a binary in env PATH
- path.extend_PATH(path[,path2, ..]); Extend system PATH with new directory
- require('util').md5(string) Return a hex encoded md5 hash
- require('util').parseargs(process.argv.splice(2)) Command line args parser, aligned on yks patterns
require('fs').deleteFolderRecursive(path); Recursive folder deletion
require('fs').md5File(file_path, callback)
require('fs').md5FileSync(file_path) Return md5 checksum of a file
require('fs').tmppath (ext) Return a unique file path in OS temp dir
require('fs').renameCross(src, dest, callback) Rename src to dest (even on cross devices)
require('http').downloadFile(url, file_path, callback) Download a remote file to a local file
require('http').json(url, callback) Fetch a remote JSON object
Object.sort(obj, keys) Return a new object based on obj's existings keys (see Object.subset)
Object.column(obj, column_key, index_key) Column mode of obj (see http://php.net/manual/fr/function.array-column.php)
Object.set(obj, k, v) Set an object property value (mostly for callback/map usage)
Object.mask_join(obj, glue, mask) Apply join(glue, map(obj, util.format(mask, k, v)));
- Buffer.prototype.indexOf(byte) Binary search of byte Return -1 if not found
- Array.prototype.diff(array) Exclude one array from another
String.prototype.startsWith(str) Return boolean
String.prototype.endsWith(str) Return boolean
String.prototype.replaces(dict) Replace key => value in current string
String.prototype.rreplaces(dict) Recursive (iterative) replaces
String.prototype.stripEnd(str) Return trimmed string of "str" if present (else, leave untouched)
String.prototype.rot13() Rot13 of current string
String.prototype.trimchars(chars) Trim (from begining & end) specific chars from a string
bool(val) Return boolean value of *val with "f", "false", "n" and "no" casted as "false" (case insensitive)
guid() Return a guid