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Possible Enhancements

Ishaan Lagwankar edited this page Dec 3, 2019 · 1 revision

Possible Enhancements

This is merely a simulation of how the Hive SQL engine could perform on a standalone Hadoop cluster. That being said, there are a lot of drawbacks to this approach. The main ones include:

  1. Nested queries not supported
  2. Complex query handling not implemented
  3. Hard syntax rules
  4. Unnecessary re-parsing of queries for simplicity reasons

The future enhancements would first be to resolve these conflicts. Setting up a production-grade environment for the same would also be very useful for someone to understand the basic intricacies of the mapreduce-based SQL engine. This could also serve as a base for building more features into the Hive architecture, by modifying the very core of the engine, rather than working on the fully deployed variant made available by Apache.

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