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A pure documents showcase, bases on Markdown, coded in PHP.

See Live Demo.


  1. Download the latest release of DeepWiki.
  2. Unarchive package, go to shell and run composer update.
  3. Done.

Quick Start

  1. Make deepwiki-config/config.json from the example configuration.
  2. Write down some Markdown files into deepwiki-docs/.
  3. Run it in PHP.


Main configuration is placed in deepwiki-config/config.json, can be made from the sample file deepwiki-config/config-sample.json:

	"site_name": "DeepWiki",
	"site_description": "DeepWiki Showcase",
	"copyright": "Powered by <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">DeepWiki</a>.",
	"theme": "default",
	"docs_path": "deepwiki-docs",
	"home_route": "quick-start",
	"display_chapter": false,
	"rewrite": false,
	"footer_code": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel\"nofollow\"><img style=\"position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0; z-index: 1000;\" src=\"\" alt=\"Fork me on GitHub\" data-canonical-src=\"\"></a>",
	"password": ""
Property Description
site_name Title of the website. Default: DeepWiki.
site_description Short description of the website Default: DeepWiki Showcase.
copyright Copyright text in footer HTML format. Default: Powered by <a href="" target="_blank">DeepWiki</a>..
theme Slug name of current theme, must be matched a directory name in deepwiki-themes/. Default: default.
docs_path Directory to find document files. Default: deepwiki-docs.
home_route The default route (slug name of landing document) for homepage visits. Default: quick-start.
display_chapter Display chapter number (like 1.1.a.) before document title. Default: false.
rewrite Enable global URL Rewrite (see URL Rewrite to enable rewrite feature for your server). Default: false.
footer_code HTML code at the end of <body>, can be placed your Google Analytics code, "Fork me on GitHub" badge, and anything you want. Default is empty.
password Main password to view the website, fill in this to enable site authentication. Default is empty.
cookie_salt A random string for encrypt cookies data, important. Default is empty.

Directory Structure

deepwiki-docs/                   Document files in Markdown, plain text, HTML
deepwiki-config/config.json      Main configuration file in JSON
deepwiki-themes/xxx/             A theme named xxx
               /xxx/theme.json   Theme configuration in JSON
               /xxx/index.html   Document page template (see Theme Development)
               /xxx/404.html     Not Found (404 HTTP status) page template (see Theme Development)
               /xxx/login.html   User Login page template (see Theme Development)
deepwiki-vendor/                 The PHP Composer components

Documents Structure

All documents must be placed in deepwiki-docs/.

Full functional naming example

1. Parent Page One [parent-1].markdown
1.1. Child Page One [child-1].markdown
1.2. Child Page Two [child-2].markdown
1.2.1. Grandchild Page One [grandchild-1].markdown
1.2.2. Grandchild Page Two [grandchild-2].markdown
1.2.3. Grandchild Page Three [grandchild-3].markdown
1.3. Child Page Two [child-3].markdown
2. Parent Page Two [parent-2].markdown
3. Parent Page Three [parent-3].markdown
  1. Chapter Number (optional). Using digits or letters ended with a point (.). If not set, the document will act in flat hierarchy.
  2. Document Title (required).
  3. Document Slug Name (optional). A string to be the ID (or short name) of the document, enclosed by a pair of square brackets ([ and ]). Leave this blank to use sanitized document title as slug name.
  4. Doucment File Extension Name (required). Possible values are: .markdonw, .md, .mdown, .txt, .html, etc.

More examples

Pure titles, without hierarchy

Using letters as chapter, with hierarchy


Auto Deployment for Documents

If you are using Git to manage your documents, you can setup an auto deployment tool to deploy files onto DeepWiki.

DeepDeploy is such an Auto Deployment system, deploying Git repository to any server (via FTP/SFTP). It's easy to use:

  1. Go to DeepDeploy, sign in and create a project.
  2. Add your repository contains document file to the project.
  3. Add your DeepWiki server FTP/SFTP information to Server section, with setting Path to Deploy to the DeepWiki document files path (eg. /deepwiki-docs or /home/ubuntu/public_html/deepwiki-docs).
  4. Save the project and trigger your first auto deployment.

URL Rewrite

For Apache HTTP Server

Place the code in the /.htaccess file.

# prevent directory listing
Options -Indexes

# custom error documents
ErrorDocument 404 index.php\?p=_404
ErrorDocument 403 index.php\?p=_403

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on

# change / to your DeepWiki relative directory path, eg. /path/to/wiki/
RewriteBase /

# prevent illegal request
RewriteRule ^deepwiki-config/(.*)$ index.php\?p=_403 [L]
RewriteRule ^deepwiki-docs/(.*)$ index.php\?p=_403 [L]

# rewrite non-exist path to index.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php\?p=$1 [QSA,L]


For Nginx

Place the code inside the http { ... } node.

server {

	# bind to on port 80
	listen 80;

	# change this to your DeepWiki root path
	root /var/www/deepwiki;

	# prevent illegal request
	location ~ /(deepwiki-config|deepwiki-docs) {
		deny all;

	# rewrite non-exist path to index.php, or return HTTP 404 Not Found
	location / {
		try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?p=$uri&$args;

		# custom error documents
		error_page 404 = /index.php\?p=_404;
		error_page 403 = /index.php\?p=_403;

	# example of passing request to FastCGI
	fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE "open_basedir=$document_root:/tmp/";
	location ~ \.php$ {
		fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/fastcgi-php.socket;
		fastcgi_index index.php;
		fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
		include fastcgi_params;

	# prevent from requesting Apache HTTP Server configuration files
	location ~ /\.ht {
		deny all;


Theme Development