Command Line Tool for interacting with youtrack
npm install -g youtrack-cli
yarn global add youtrack-cli
After you've installed the package globally, youtrack-cli will be available as youtrack
in your command line.
To setup the cli (set the URL, provide your credentials), run:
$ youtrack setup
This will guide you through the setup process.
youtrack -h
Available commands are:
project|p manage projects
user|u manage users
issue|i manage issues
workitem|w manage workitems
setup setup youtrack cli
$ youtrack project <subcommand> <options>
Available subcommands:
list|ls [options] list all accessible projects
-r, --raw print raw json
-d, --desc print description (does not apply when option --raw is used
$ youtrack project ls
$ youtrack user <subcommand> <options>
Available subcommands:
info|i [options] show info about current user
show [options] <login> show info about user
$ youtrack issue <subcommand> <options>
Available subcommands:
find|f [options] search issues with a query (interactive)
show|s [options] <issueId> show issue info
delete|d [options] <issue> delete an issue by its id
create|c creates an issue (interactive)
-q, --query non-interactive query
-r, --raw print raw json
-m, --max <max> limit number of issues shown
-f, --fields <field> which fields to display
$ youtrack issue f
$ youtrack workitem <subcommand> <options>
Available subcommands:
list|ls [options] <issueId> list all workitems for issue
create|c [options] create new work item for an issue (interactive)
delete|d delete work item of an issue (interactive)
edit|e edit work item of an issue (interactive)
-r, --raw print raw json
$ youtrack workitem ls T1-2
Create a new work item for an issue in interactive mode. If all parameters are given via options, the interactive mode is skipped.
-i, --issue <issue> issue id
-d, --duration <duration> duration (e.g. "1h 30m")
--date <date> date
-w, --worktype <worktype> work-type
--desc, --description <description> description
-r, --raw print raw json
-h, --help output usage information
$ youtrack w c --issue "T1-1" --duration "1h 30m" --date "6.11.2018" --worktype "testing" --description "tested it in IE"
You can also start the interactive mode by omitting all Options:
$ youtrack w c
$ youtrack comment <subcommand> <options>
Available subcommands:
list|ls [options] <issueId> list all comments of an issue
create|c [options] add comment to an issue. starts interactive mode if parameters are omitted.
delete|d delete a comment (interactive
edit|e update a comment (interactive
$ youtrack comment create -i T1-1 -c "my comment"