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Issue H-1: rebate_info and rebate_manager are unable to sign the CPI call due to an incorrect implementation of the seeds function

Source: #29

Found by

g, shaflow01


rebate_info and rebate_manager will not be able to sign the CPI message because their seeds function has been implemented incorrectly.

Root Cause

The implementation of the seeds function is incorrect because the correct seed needs to include the full seed phrase and the bump, but the seeds function does not include the bump.

    pub fn seeds(&self) -> [&[u8]; 2] {

    pub fn seeds(&self) -> [&[u8]; 3] {

Internal pre-conditions


External pre-conditions


Attack Path



It will prevent the claim_rebate_fee and withdraw operations from executing, resulting in tokens being permanently locked in the contract.


No response


Here is an example of fixing rebate_manager:

pub struct RebateManager {
    pub authority: Pubkey, // 32

    pub admin_authority: Vec<Pubkey>,

    pub quote_token_mint: Pubkey, // 32

    pub token_vault: Pubkey, // 32

+   pub rebate_manager_bump: [u8; 1],
    pub fn seeds(&self) -> [&[u8]; 2] {
+           self.rebate_manager_bump.as_ref(),
    pub fn initialize(
        &mut self,
        authority: Pubkey,
        quote_token_mint: Pubkey,
        token_vault: Pubkey,
+       bump: u8.
    ) -> Result<()> {
        self.authority = authority;
        self.quote_token_mint = quote_token_mint;
        self.token_vault = token_vault;
+       self.rebate_manager_bump = [bump];
pub fn handler(ctx: Context<CreateRebateManager>) -> Result<()> {
    let authority = ctx.accounts.authority.key();
    let quote_token_mint = ctx.accounts.quote_token_mint.key();
    let token_vault = ctx.accounts.token_vault.key();
+   let bump = ctx.bumps.rebate_manager;
    let rebate_manager = &mut ctx.accounts.rebate_manager;

-   rebate_manager.initialize(authority, quote_token_mint, token_vault);
+   rebate_manager.initialize(authority, quote_token_mint, token_vault, bump);

The fix for rebate_info is the same as described above.



Valid. same with #18


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: woonetwork/WOOFi_Solana#32


The rebate_manager's bump is now stored in the account and included in its seeds(). The issue is fixed and transfers from the rebate_manager will succeed.

Issue H-2: Quote pools are expected to have same base token and quote token but this is not enforced in swaps

Source: #64

Found by

S3v3ru5, g


The missing constraint that enforces quote pools should have the same base and quote token will cause swap fees to be deducted from non-quote pools.

By design, quote pools are pools with the same base and quote token. The development team has confirmed this. All swap fees should come from quote pools.

  // record fee into account

Root Cause

In, there is no constraint that enforces that the pool used as the quote pool has the same base token and quote token.

      has_one = wooconfig,
      constraint = woopool_quote.token_mint == woopool_from.quote_token_mint,
      constraint = woopool_quote.authority == woopool_from.authority,
  woopool_quote: Box<Account<'info, WooPool>>,

This means that non-quote pools can be used as quote pools during swaps and swap fees will be deducted from these.

  // record fee into account

Internal pre-conditions


External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. Anyone can execute swaps by invoking the swap instruction and passing a non-quote pool as a woopool_quote. The constraints will allow it as long as the woopool_quote's base token is the same as the woopool_from's quote token and the pools have the same owners.


Swap fees can be deducted from non-quote pools instead of quote pools only.


No response


Consider adding a constraint that enforces that the quote pool is a pool with the same base and quote token.



Need investigation here. Same with #40


should be Not valid.

  1. all pools' quote_token_mint is USDC after create pool
  2. constraint = woopool_quote.token_mint == woopool_from.quote_token_mint
  3. above constraint should make sure the quote pool is USDC


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: woonetwork/WOOFi_Solana#29


The added constraints to swap() fixes the issue.

Issue M-1: An admin authority initializing RebateInfo will make claim_rebate_fee unusable

Source: #13

Found by

Albort, D1r3Wolf, g, zigtur


A ClaimRebateFee constraint enforces that rebate_info.authority == rebate_manager.authority. This will always be false when an admin authority initialized the rebate_info, leading the rebate_info.rebate_authority to not be able to claim their rebate fee.

Root Cause

In, there is an incorrect constraint.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. An admin authority needs to initialize the rebate_info through the create_rebate_info instruction. It is made possible through the constraint at

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

No response


  • The rebate authority suffers from 100% rebate fee loss as it is not able to claim (through the claim_rebate_fee instruction).


No response


This constraint should be deleted. Fixing it to check if the rebate_info.authority is an admin authority will lead to the same issue being triggered when admin authorities are updated.



Need further investigation.


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: woonetwork/WOOFi_Solana#28


Issue is fixed. This change fixes the issue by also allowing admin authorities to claim rebate fees.

Issue M-2: Missing permission control in create_oracle and create_pool.

Source: #54

Found by

0xeix, LZ_security, Q7, S3v3ru5, calc1f4r, dod4ufn, g, shaflow01, zigtur


Missing permission control in create_oracle and create_pool.

Vulnerability Detail

pub struct CreateWooracle<'info> {
    pub wooconfig: Box<Account<'info, WooConfig>>,
    pub token_mint: Account<'info, Mint>,

        payer = admin,
        space = 8 + Wooracle::INIT_SPACE,
        seeds = [
    wooracle: Account<'info, Wooracle>,
@>>    admin: Signer<'info>,
    system_program: Program<'info, System>,
    /// CHECK: This is the Pyth feed account
    feed_account: AccountInfo<'info>,
    // Add this account to any instruction Context that needs price data.
    // Warning:
    // users must ensure that the account passed to their instruction is owned by the Pyth pull oracle program.
    // Using Anchor with the Account<'info, PriceUpdateV2> type will automatically perform this check.
    // However, if you are not using Anchor, it is your responsibility to perform this check.
    price_update: Account<'info, PriceUpdateV2>,

    quote_token_mint: Account<'info, Mint>,
    /// CHECK: This is the Quote token's pyth feed account
    quote_feed_account: AccountInfo<'info>,
    // Add this account to any instruction Context that needs price data.
    // Warning:
    // users must ensure that the account passed to their instruction is owned by the Pyth pull oracle program.
    // Using Anchor with the Account<'info, PriceUpdateV2> type will automatically perform this check.
    // However, if you are not using Anchor, it is your responsibility to perform this check.
    quote_price_update: Account<'info, PriceUpdateV2>,

pub fn handler(ctx: Context<CreateWooracle>, maximum_age: u64) -> Result<()> {
    ctx.accounts.wooracle.wooconfig = ctx.accounts.wooconfig.key();
@>>    ctx.accounts.wooracle.authority = ctx.accounts.admin.key();
    ctx.accounts.wooracle.token_mint = ctx.accounts.token_mint.key();
    ctx.accounts.wooracle.feed_account = ctx.accounts.feed_account.key();
    ctx.accounts.wooracle.price_update = ctx.accounts.price_update.key();


From the code, it is evident that create_wooracle lacks permission control, allowing anyone to create an oracle.

pub struct CreatePool<'info> {
    pub wooconfig: Box<Account<'info, WooConfig>>,
    pub token_mint: Account<'info, Mint>,
    pub quote_token_mint: Account<'info, Mint>,

@>>    pub authority: Signer<'info>,

        payer = authority,
        space = 8 + WooPool::INIT_SPACE,
        seeds = [
    pub woopool: Box<Account<'info, WooPool>>,

        payer = authority,
        token::mint = token_mint,
        token::authority = woopool
    pub token_vault: Box<Account<'info, TokenAccount>>,

        has_one = wooconfig,
@>>        has_one = authority,
        has_one = token_mint,
        has_one = quote_token_mint
    wooracle: Account<'info, Wooracle>,

    #[account(address = token::ID)]
    pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

From the above code, it is clear that the permission control for create_pool requires its authority to match wooracle.authority. However, since anyone can create an oracle, an attacker could create an oracle and then create a pool based on that oracle. This breaks the statement made in the README. "Functions need admin authority: claim_fee claim_rebate_fee create_oracle create_pool create_rebate_pool deposit set_pool_admin set_pool_state (all handlers in this file) set_woo_admin set_woo_state(all handlers in this file)"


There are two further impacts:

1.When the protocol has been running for a period of time, such as 6 months, and wants to add other token pairs into the swap (e.g., WETH-USDT), the real administrator may not be able to create the WETH oracle because the WETH oracle was created by someone else.

2. An attacker could create oracles and pools for other token pairs (e.g., WETH-USDT) and set the oracle’s price and bounds to manipulate prices. Even if there’s a comparison with Pyth’s prices, it could still pass. As a result, the attacker could trade with the manipulated prices against pools (e.g., USDT, USDC) and steal funds from the pools.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Set the admin parameter in CreateWooracle to admin = wooconfig.authority.



Impact 1 is valid, it is low impact. Impact 2 is not valid, please verify if it can swap with correct pool.


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: woonetwork/WOOFi_Solana#31


Restricting the creation of pools and oracles to only the WooConfig authority fixes the issue.

Issue M-3: State changes are overwritten during anchor serialization when two accounts are the same

Source: #73

Found by



The swap operation takes in 3 pool accounts:

  1. woopool_from
  2. woopool_to
  3. woopool_quote

Case 1: In Base-to-Quote Swap, woopool_from is base token pool. woopool_to, woopool_quote will be the quote token pool and both are same accounts woopool_to == woopool_quote.

Case 2: In Quote-to-Base Swap, woopool_to is base token pool. woopool_from, woopool_quote will be the quote token pool and both are same accounts woopool_from == woopool_quote.

Case 3: In the case of Base-to-Base all three pools will be different.

In case 1 and case 2, two of the passed-in accounts are same. Because of how anchor works, at the end of the execution, changes of only one pool will be saved. For example in case 1 when woopool_to, woopool_quote are same, at the end of the program execution, updates to either woopool_to or woopool_quote are recorded.

Anchor #[derive(Accounts)] macro works by creating a in-memory copy of the account data, modifying the memory and then writing back into the account data:

  • For each of the account, Anchor performs required checks based on the type Account<'info, WooConfig>, Program<'info, Token>, etc.
  • For Account<'a, T> type accounts, Anchor deserializes the into T. For e.g, if account X is passed for Account<'a, WooPool> then Anchor deserializes into type WooPool and keeps the copy in memory.
    • Same as memory copies of state variables in Solidity.
  • The deserialized in-memory copies of the accounts are passed to the instruction-handler: for example swap function is an instruction handler.
  • After the instruction handler finishes execution, Anchor serializes the accounts and writes into the account data.
  • The account data is persistent and hence the state changes are saved.

Consider a Solidity function which copies a struct state variable into memory, changes the values in memory and at the end of the function copies the memory values into the state variable. Anchor does the same thing.

This leads to a storage overwrite issue when two of the passed-in accounts are same. When the second struct written into account data, it will overwrite any changes that are present in the first struct.

The swap instruction handler performs the following updates to the pools:

  1. Add from_amount to woopool_from reserve
  2. Subtract to_amount from woopool_to reserve
  3. Subtract swap_fee from woopool_quote reserve
  4. Add swap_fee to unclaimed fee

woopool_quote is serialized last hence it will overwrite any previous changes if they are same accounts.

  • If woopool_from == woopool_quote:
    • Update in 1 will be overwritten by 3 and 4.
    • from_amount will not be added to woopool_from (quote pool) reserves
  • if woopool_to == woopool_quote:
    • Update in 2 will be overwritten by 3 and 4.
    • to_amount will not be deducted from the woopool_to (quote pool) reserves

Root Cause

The swap function tries to handle all type of swaps in a single instruction allowing for cases where two writable accounts are the same leading to storage overwrite issues

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

User performs a swap: either Base to quote or quote to base. The reserves of the quote will not be updated correctly.


  • If swap sells quote:
    • from_amount will not be added to woopool_from (quote pool) reserves
  • if swap sells base for quote:
    • to_amount will not be deducted from the woopool_to (quote pool) reserves

This leads to incorrect accounting of quote pool reserves variable.

  1. The reserve will be higher than the quote pool token vault balance Or
  2. The reserve will be lower than the quote pool token vault balance

Additional to incorrect state, because balance is checked before transfering tokens in claim_fee, the issue might prevent admin from claiming fees. The issue might have additional implications that aren't noted here.


In the 1_woofi_swap.ts test file, update the swap_from_sol_to_usdc test to print the reserve values of the toPool before and after the swap.

Add the following at line 265 in tests/1_woofi_swap.ts:

      let toPoolDataBefore = null;
      try {
        toPoolDataBefore = await program.account.wooPool.fetch(toPoolParams.woopool);
      } catch (e) {
          console.log("fetch failed");
      console.log("toPool reserve before swap:" + toPoolDataBefore.reserve);
      console.log("toPool unclaimed fee before swap:" + toPoolDataBefore.unclaimedFee);

and Add the following at line 357 at the end of the that test (after swap is called`:

        let toPoolDataAfter = null;
        try {
          toPoolDataAfter = await program.account.wooPool.fetch(toPoolParams.woopool);
        } catch (e) {
            console.log("fetch failed");
        console.log("toPool reserve after swap:" + toPoolDataAfter.reserve);
        console.log("toPool unclaimed fee after swap:" + toPoolDataAfter.unclaimedFee);

The output will be:

fromWallet PublicKey:Cybv9pDy9MoysaTk3gkRi3RCtW5gz1jRzZouF47TyfnB
fromWallet Balance:0
fromTokenAccount amount:1000000
fromTokenAccount decimals:9
toPool reserve before swap:200000
toPool unclaimed fee before swap:0
price - 14597424250
feasible - 1
price - 0
feasible - 0
toTokenAccount amount:136775
toTokenAccount decimals:6
toPool reserve after swap:195769
toPool unclaimed fee after swap:4231
      ✔ swap_from_sol_to_usdc (3274ms)

In the test, woopool_to == woopool_quote == USDC pool. The reserve of the USDC pool should be

usdcPool.reserve = usdcPool.reserve - toAmount - swapFee = 200000 - 136775 - 4231

However, in the output it can be seen that, the usdcPool.reserve is equal to reserve - swap_fee = 200000 - 4231 = 195769

The deduction of to_amount from the woopool_to.reserve is not present:

Only the swap_fee deduction is preserved because it was deducted from woopool_quote:

When Anchor serialized the accounts at the end, the woopool_to is first written to the account data and then the woopool_quote. Because both are same accounts, the changes in woopool_to are overwritten when woopool_quote is serialized and written to account data.

In case of swap usdc to sol, the changes in woopool_from will be overwritten by the woopool_quote.


Divide the swap functions into individual sell_base, sell_quote, and sell_base_to_base functions.





The judging comments include "No loss of funds" as a reason for the medium severity. The incase_token_got_stuck can be used to retrieve any tokens from the vaults.

I do not think only loss of funds issues can be consider as High.

The reserves variable is a core state variable and it will be wrong because of the above issue. There are multiple implications of the incorrect reserves variable

  • The issue #68 lists one such impact of this issue.
  • The vault token-balance could be greater than reserves when Quote to Base swap is performed. The valid swaps will be rejected even when vault has enough tokens for the swap.
  • Pool admin cannot use the withdraw function to withdraw the token balance - reserves tokens if token-balance is greater than the reserve.


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: woonetwork/WOOFi_Solana#33


Case woopool_from == woopool_quote:

  • This change fixes the issue because only the woopool_quote is modified. The changes to the from_pool and the quote pool are applied to only the quote pool because they are the same.

Case woopool_to == woopool_quote:

  • This change fixes the issue because only woopool_quote is modified . The changes to the to_pool and the quote are applied to only the quote pool because they are the same.

Case where all 3 pools are different:

  • The previous behavior was retained since this case was unaffected by the issue.


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