A Hijri (Based on Umm al-Qura calculations) calendar system plugin for moment.js.
Hijri is the Islamic lunar calendar used by Muslims everywhere to determine the proper days on which to observe the annual fasting, to attend Hajj, and to celebrate other Islamic holidays and festivals more info at wiki.
This plugin adds Hijri calendar support to momentjs library.
Calendar conversion is based on the Umm al-Qura calculations.
Like momentjs
, moment-hijri
works in browser and in Node.js.
npm install moment-hijri
var moment = require('moment-hijri');
<script src="moment.js"></script>
<script src="moment-hijri.js"></script>
paths: {
"moment": "path/to/moment",
"moment-hijri": "path/to/moment-hijri"
define(["moment-hijri"], function (moment) {
This plugin tries to mimic momentjs
api. Basically, when you want to format or parse a string, just add a h
to the format token like 'hYYYY' or 'hM'. For example:
m = moment('1410/8/28', 'hYYYY/hM/hD'); // Parse a Hijri date.
m.format('hYYYY/hM/hD [is] YYYY/M/D'); // 1410/8/28 is 1990/3/25
m.hYear(); // 1410
m.hMonth(); // 7
m.hDate(); // 28
m.hDayOfYear(); // 236
m.hWeek(); // 35
m.hWeekYear(); // 1410
m.add(1, 'hYear');
m.add(2, 'hMonth');
m.format('hYYYY/hM/hD'); // 1411/10/28
m.format('hYYYY/hM/hD'); // 1411/12/1
m.format('hYYYY/hM/hD'); // 1420/1/1
moment('1436/1/30', 'hYYYY/hMM/hDD').isValid(); // false (This month is only 29 days).
moment('1436/2/30', 'hYYYY/hMM/hDD').isValid(); // true (This month is 30 days).
moment('1436/2/6 16:40', 'hYYYY/hM/hD HH:mm').format('YYYY-M-D HH:mm:ss'); // 2014-11-28 16:40:00
moment('2014-11-28 16:40:00', 'YYYY-M-D HH:mm:ss').endOf('hMonth').format('hYYYY/hM/hD HH:mm:ss'); // 1436/2/30 23:59:59
// Complex parse:
moment('1990 5 25', 'YYYY hM D').format('YYYY/MM/DD'); // 1990/03/25
To add Arabic language, use loadArabic method:
m = moment('1410/8/28', 'hYYYY/hM/hD');
m.format('hYYYY/hM/hDهـ الموافق YYYY/M/Dم');
// 28/8/1410هـ الموافق 1990/3/25 م
m = moment('1410/8/28', 'hYYYY/hM/hD');
m.format('hYYYY/hM/hDهـ الموافق YYYY/M/Dم');
// ١٤١٠/٨/٢٨هـ الموافق ١٩٩٠/٣/٢٥م
This project was built from the great work done by @behrang whose behind moment-jalaali project.