Get EC2 VPC subnet facts based on tags. Use this role to return a list of subnet ID's in a variable subnet_ids that you can then use in other roles. If you are using the Availability Zone tag key, then you can define subnet_has_az_tags to get a the availability zones the subnets are in from the subnet_azs variable. The index in this list will correspond to the index in the subnet_ids variable
Ansible 2.3 and boto module are required for this role
Required variables for this role are as follows:
- region: AWS region
One of:
- vpc_name: Name of the vpc
- vpc_id: AWS VPC identifier.
You can then choose how to get the subnets based on the following variables:
- subnet_name: A list of subnet names; returns the corresponding subnet ID's
- subnet_tier: if defined, the value of {{ subnet_layer }} will be used to match the Tier tag of the subnet. Values could be: application, presentation, data
- subnet_env_tier: If defined, the role will take the variable values for environment and tier to get the list of subnets. You will need to pass in the full name for the Environment as {{ environ }} variable and also the {{ subnet_layer }} variable will be used for the Tier tag.
- environ:
- subnet_has_az_tags: define if you are using Availability zone: tags in your subnets.
No depenencies on other ansible roles
- hosts: localhost
subnet_tier: true
subnet_layer: application
region: us-east-1
vpc_name: PFE VPC
- role: get-subnets
Iain M Conochie [email protected]
Playbook fails in role at set_fact task with error: the field 'args' has an invalid value, which appears to include a variable that is undefined.
Check your seubnet names; if the role is unable to locate your subnets, there will be no results and the role will fail